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10 YEARS - THE JOURNEY OF A                                         customers can carry out all transactions online,
                                                                                such as managing their insurance policy, paying
                                                                                premiums, submitting a claims request, asking
            “LIFETIME PARTNER”                                                  a question, or sending any request, etc. This al-
                                                                                lowed Generali to ensure customer service con-
                                                                                tinuity even during the peaks of Covid-19.
           2021 marks Generali’s decade-long “Lifetime Partner” journey in Vietnam,  Leveraging the Generali Group’s strong tech-
           where it has grown by leaps and bounds to become one of the country’s  nological foundation as one of the world’s 50
           major life insurers, distinguished for its leading position in health products  smartest companies, Generali Vietnam is a pio-
           and customer experience.                                             neer in adopting technology to go beyond the
                                                                                role of an insurance provider to become a 24/7
                                                                                health companion to customers with GenVita, a
                                                                                revolutionary digital health ecosystem. GenVita
                                                                                provides  users  with  useful  and  trustworthy
                                                                                health-related information, telehealth consulta-
                                                                                tions, a fitness tracker, and insurance-focused
                                                                                Q&A services. It also runs regular activities to
                                                                                encourage users to lead a healthy lifestyle.
                                                                                   Listening to customers and taking action on
                                                                                their feedback is an essential part of building a
                                                                                customer-centric culture. To this end, Generali
                                                                                uses  GENPS  powered  by  Medallia,  a  global
                                                                                leader in customer experience management, to
          Fast and Steady Growth               To make the most of its global strength in the  gather feedback from all customers at all touch
            Despite entering Vietnam’s insurance mar-  health insurance sector, Generali Vietnam has  points. Generali also adopts a unique approach,
          ket much later than most of its rivals, Generali  placed emphasis on building an enviable health  where its employees contact all customers who
          quickly established itself as one of the major  product  portfolio,  including  health  insurance  gave  less  than  positive  feedback  within  48
          players, with an expansive network of 70 offices  “VITA - Song Nhu Y” and “VITA - Suc Khoe Vang”,  hours, with the goal of listening and resolving
          and 20,000 agents in most cities and provinces,  cancer insurance “VITA - La Chan Vang”, and  their issues. The company’s strong commitment
          serving over 400,000 customers around the  critical illness insurance  “VITA - Song Lac Quan”,  to listening to its customers has enabled Gener-
          country. With the motto “Simpler, smarter, cus-  all of which offer comprehensive benefits, com-  ali  to  understand  them  better  and  shape  its
          tomer-centric” and a steadfast commitment to  petitive premiums, and transparent terms and  strategies accordingly, to continuously improve
          pursuing its ambition of “Becoming a Lifetime  conditions. Generali’s group insurance solutions  its relationship with customers.
          Partner to its Customers”, Generali Vietnam has  are among the most acclaimed in the market,  “With the strong groundwork we have built
          distinguished itself with its superior product of-  offering a wide range of medical, term life, and  over the past decade, I am confident that we will
          ferings and customer experience.   accident products, accompanied by meaningful  continue to reach greater heights in all business
            Amid the unprecedented challenges posed  wellness programs for corporate employees.   aspects, including distribution expansion, prod-
          by Covid-19 in 2020, Generali recorded impres-  However,  the  key  to  winning  customers’  uct offerings, and customer services, creating
          sive business growth of over 90 per cent across  hearts in the health insurance business is quality  positive values for our customers and stake-
          all distribution channels, a big jump in technol-  of  service,  particularly  during  the  claims  holders, and contributing to the sustainable de-
          ogy application, a market-leading overall cus-  process. Generali does not choose the popular  velopment  of  Vietnam’s  insurance  market,”
          tomer satisfaction score (RNPS), and a range of  route of outsourcing claims management. In-  Ms. Nguyen remarked. %
          prestigious recognition for its community con-  stead, it invests in its own team of professionals
          tributions, branding and people achievements.  to ensure the best customer experience possi-
                                             ble during this important touch point with cus-
          Leading in health insurance        tomers. Most health insurance claims can be
            Generali takes pride in its preeminent health  approved within 30 minutes of being submitted
          insurance solutions and relentlessly pursues its  to Generali’s GenVita app and paid out within 24
          ambition of becoming the leader in this segment  hours. This exceptional service has set Generali
          in Vietnam.                        apart as the leading health insurer in the market.
            Discussing this ambition, Ms. Tina Nguyen,
          CEO of Generali Vietnam, said: “Health is an impor-  Championing the customer experience
          tant enabler of a happy life, particularly amid the  Generali’s rapid rise in the industry despite
          evolving pandemic situation and rapidly-changing  being a relative newcomer is also attributed to its
          global health landscape. We will continuously im-  success in championing the customer experience.
          prove our health insurance offerings to meet the  “Life insurance is a long-term business and
          increasing demands of Vietnamese people.”  the kind of relationship we can build with our
            Generali Vietnam’s quick rise to the market-  customers is one of the critical success factors,”
          leading position in the health insurance sector did  Ms. Nguyen said. “Investing in enhancing the
          not come as a surprise, as it has benefited greatly  customer experience is therefore our top priority.
          from being a member of the Generali Group, the  We are proud that our ceaseless efforts in this
          world-leading provider of health insurance and  area have borne fruit, as Generali Vietnam has
          employee  benefit  solutions.  Generali  Global  consistently led the market in terms of customer
          Health has one of the world’s largest provider net-  satisfaction (RNPS) in the past few quarters.”
          works, with over 1.82 million healthcare partners  Recognizing early on that digital technology
          across 197 countries and territories. The Generali  would play a key role in ensuring a superior cus-
          Employee Benefits (GEB) network is a leading  tomer  experience,  Generali  Vietnam  has  in-
          employee benefits provider to more than 1,500  vested strongly in this area. As a result, all key
          multinational companies around the world.  processes have been digitalized. Via GenVita,  +  Ms. Tina Nguyen, CEO of Generali Vietnam

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