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G CITI AIMS FOR NET ZERO H operate our businesses and meet international quarter of 2022. Toshin Development affirmed
aviation standards.” Meanwhile, Mr. Luu Trung they would contribute to enhancing the value
Thai, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the project through their experience in
and General Director of MB Bank, said that development and operations accumulated in
with a vision of becoming the most convenient Japan and Ho Chi Minh City. Following its
bank in 2021, MB hopes to have long-term Lancaster Nui Truc project, TTG marked its
cooperation with partners who share its goals, return to Hanoi with the Lancaster Luminaire
including Vietnam Airlines. “With customers project. The two parties aim to use each other’s
earning good incomes and with high flight strengths to build a project associated with
demand, MB believes that our cooperation the city and society and to cooperate in future
Citi Vietnam has recently committed to “Net with Vietnam Airlines will not only create projects. “In addition to TTG’s ability to imple-
Zero” by facilitating certain low-carbon projects value related to credit activities for customers ment projects based on financial strength and
and not financing some carbon-intensive proj- but also bring new and convenient experiences an understanding of products and services,
ects. “We are committed to bringing as many to customers on both sides,” he added. we find similarities between our business
clients as we can along with us on this journey philosophies,” said Mr. Toahiteru Sato, Chief
and working with them relentlessly to get it G VINFAST SIGNS BATTERY DEAL H of the Representative Office of Toshin Devel-
right,” said Citi CEO Jane Fraser. “We also know opment in Ho Chi Minh City. Commenting
that staying on this path and accomplishing on the potential of Vietnam’s real estate market,
this goal will require help from our full set of he believes the country has basically succeeded
stakeholders - our clients, colleagues, investors, in controlling the Covid-19 pandemic and this
NGO partners, communities, and especially is a major selling point. In addition to the goal
policy makers, as durable climate policy is of becoming one of the most important bases
essential for enabling a net zero economy where in the new global supply chain, with many
we can all thrive.” As the world’s most global free trade agreements signed, Vietnam is also
bank, Citi is interconnected with many car- expected to welcome a new wave of investment
bon-intensive sectors that continue to help and see high demand for office space for lease.
drive global economic development. For its The VinFast Trading and Production LLC and
own operations, Citi is targeting net zero green- the Taiwan (China)-headquartered ProLogium G SKRETTING TO BUILD NEW PLANT H
house gas emissions by 2030. From 2014 to Technology have signed an MoU on establishing
2019, the bank financed and facilitated $164 a joint venture to manufacture solid-state batteries
billion in low-carbon solutions and last year for electric cars in Vietnam. The joint venture
committed to completing an additional $250 will have access to patents and be allowed to
billion in environmental transactions by 2025. use ProLogium’s MAB solid-state battery pack-
Citi also reached its goal of purchasing 100 per aging technology to produce CIM/CIP batteries
cent renewable electricity for its facilities. in Vietnam. This is a strategic step forward in
VinFast’s autonomous battery technology for
G VIETNAM AIRLINES & MB BANK TEAM UP H electric vehicles, a premise for the research and
development of smart and advanced electric Aquafeed and animal health provider Skretting is
vehicles in the future. In 2017, ProLogium became planning to build a new factory costing €24 million
the first company in the world to have a test line ($29 million) this year as part of its commitment
for solid-state battery technology for automotive to promoting aquaculture in Vietnam and the
applications. The use of solid-state batteries will broader Southeast Asia region. The new factory
help VinFast’s electric cars go longer distances, is located next to Skretting Vietnam’s existing
reduce charging times, and increase the total facilities at the Thuan Dao Industrial Zone in the
number of times they can be recharged. Mekong Delta’s Long An province. With an annual
capacity of 100,000 tonnes, it will facilitate effective
Vietnam Airlines and the Military Commercial G LANCASTER LUMINAIRE SEES NEW COOPERATIONH feed supply to key farming provinces in the Delta
Joint Stock Bank (MB Bank) have signed a The Trung Thuy Group (TTG) and Toshin and beyond. “This new factory in Vietnam is a
comprehensive cooperative agreement to foster Development, a member of Japan’s Takashimaya logical and necessary step towards strengthening
their activities in expanding and developing Group, early last month signed an investment Skretting and Nutreco’s position as a global com-
economic operations, to capitalize on their cooperation agreement for the Lancaster Lumi- petitor in Asia,” said Therese Log Bergjord, CEO
strengths and potential and provide customers naire project, a complex of apartments, Grade of Skretting. “We have a very solid growth strategy,
with suitable products and services. The two A office space, and high-end commercial space matched with the huge potential of the sector.
will research and transfer advanced technology on Lang Street in Hanoi’s Dong Da district. We have activated an expert team to make sure
products under international standards to all The project is now under construction and is we deliver, and I’m excited to see how we continue
customers, contributing to speeding up the expected to be put into operation in the fourth to grow in the years to come.” Vietnam became
digital transformation process and strength- part of the Skretting family in 2010 through the
ening the culture of using digital products. acquisition of Tomboy Aquafeed JSC, a reputable
“One of the highlights of the agreement between fish and shrimp feed company. In the ten years
Vietnam Airlines and MB Bank is cooperation since, Skretting Vietnam has fully embedded the
in information technology and digital trans- Skretting culture into all of its operations, from
formation,” said Mr. Le Hong Ha, General research and raw material procurement to products
Director of Vietnam Airlines. “We aim to and services for aquaculture. Skretting is a wholly-
become a Digital Airline by 2025, and we have owned subsidiary of the Nutreco feed groupfrom
also invested in technology development to the Netherlands.