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                                                                                                BANKING & FINANCE

         Key growth drivers
           The foundation for local banks’ growth in  LOW COST CASA GREW ACROSS MANY VIETNAMESE BANKS IN 2020
         2020 came from diverse loan portfolios and  CASA ratio
         income sources. In addition, the impressive  100%                 2020   2019
         credit growth stemmed from the diversification  90%
         of  the  customer  loan  portfolio  in  various  80%  ACB
         industries, a broadened outstanding debt bal-  70%
         ance, and reliable sources of customers, limiting  60%
         risks from the pandemic. Banks also flexibly  50%
         diversified income sources from businesses
         rather than just credit activities. Non-traditional  30%
         sales channels such as mobile banking, internet  10%
         banking, and fanpages are gradually becoming  0%
         the main interaction channels between cus-  ACB   MB       Vietin  Sacom  TPB  BIDV  ABB  VPB  HDB  VIB  OCB  SHB  Nam A
         tomers and banks, Mr. Tuan noted.            Techcom  Vietcom Martime         Lien Viet    SeABank
           “Digital banking is key in our overriding
         strategy this year,” Mr. Thai said. “We aim to  Sources: Banks, Moody’s Investors Service
         be serving 20 million customers by the end
         of this year. With the help of digital products
         such as the MBBank app for individuals, the  saving account (CASA) will prove to be major  everything still runs smoothly. Covid-19 changed
         BizMB app for businesses, and Smart CRM,  challenges, according to Mr. Tuan.  consumer habits and behavior, as well as the
         which provides free 24/7 money deposit and  Covid-19 brings too much uncertainty to  way enterprises conduct production and business
         withdrawal  services,  we  expect  to  attract  businesses. Most will not venture to expand  activities, so we had to adapt to new trends.”
         more customers. With a vision of becoming  production  and  business  but  will  instead  Regarding upcoming plans, he emphasized
         ‘The Most Convenient Bank’ for customers  focus on restructuring and stabilizing opera-  the  continued  push  in  digitization.  “MBBank
         in Vietnam this year, we have implemented a  tions.  Therefore,  they  need  not  use  bank  considers digital transformation to be key to our
         number  of  digital  services  that  have  been  loans. Some industries in travel and aviation  strategy and has been promoting investment in
         very well-received by customers. We will also  services chains will be greatly affected, and  technology and digital products since 2017, before
         focus on improving service quality and increas-  the cost of provisioning risks will increase.  Covid-19 broke out,” he explained. “That is why
         ing processing speeds, while aiming to lead  The cost of provisioning for credit losses will  we have quickly adapted to the new circumstances.”
         the  market  in  service  speed.  MB  Group’s  rise due to the number of bad debts. Due to  As for VietinBank’s future strategies, Mr.
         cross-selling capacity will also be pushed up,  lower deposit rates, idle cash flows tend to  Tho noted that “credit activities continue to
         with a growth rate of 40-50 per cent.”  move into more profitable investment channels  be the key activity, with credit growth sub-
           Meanwhile, VietinBank Chairman Mr. Le  such as stocks, gold, and real estate, he said.  stantially and effectively realized. At the same
         Duc Tho emphasized that its solid performance  In  addressing  these  issues,  he  went  on,  time, VietinBank’s business was promoted to
         last year shows the effort, potential, and spirit  banks  need  to  look  for  other  disbursement  provide comprehensive financial solutions to
         of its system and builds a solid foundation  channels, such as buying bonds or lending to  customers. It will also strongly transform its
         for the bank to build its 2023 business plan.  invest in assets, with each channel having its  customer structure associated with safety and
         This year is the first year it has implemented  own limitations, diversify loan portfolios, adjust  credit  quality  improvements  and  minimize
         its Medium-term Plan for 2021-2023, which  loan balances for high-risk sectors, and avoid  new bad debts. Capital mobilization continues
         is part of its 10-year development strategy  lending in only a few areas. They need strict  to be a very important task, as is TT1 (Market
         for the 2021-2030 period and vision to 2045.  risk management right from the appraisal and  1 - capital mobilized from citizens and economic
         It was also the first year VietinBank compre-  disbursement stage, to improve loan quality,  organizations) capital growth, especially low-
         hensively applied Basel II standards, thereby  must  raise  mobilization  from  term  savings,  cost capital sources, CASA deposits through
         posing new and higher requirements on stan-  and increase CASA through strengthening the  the provision of modern payment solutions,
         dards and results in its operations.  connection  of  payment  services  with  many  cash  flow  management,  corporate  finance
           Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuy Linh, Research Man-  potential partners, providing quality and con-  advisory services, and developing a compre-
         ager at SSI Research, expects that the banking  venient payment services to boost the volume  hensive set of financial solutions for customers
         sector will continue to benefit from low deposit  and value of customer transactions.  and their ecosystems.” %
         interest rates, which will improve net-interest  Meanwhile,
         margins  (NIM).  “State-owned  commercial  Vietnamese banks
         banks will likely achieve spectacular growth  have been identi-
         of 28.3 per cent year-on-year as they gave up  fying strategies to
         huge interest and fee income to support Covid-  cope  with  such
         hit borrowers in 2020 and made tremendous  challenges.  “The
         provisioning efforts to clean up legacy prob-  entire banking sec-
         lems, whereas joint-stock commercial banks  tor had to navigate
         are expected to post 22.8 per cent growth in  through uncharted
         pre-tax profit,” she said.           waters  from  the
                                             volatility of Covid-
                                             19,” Mr. Thai said.
         Hurdles ahead
           Despite the optimistic outlook, the path  “MBBank has had
         to 2021 targets isn’t without obstacles. Qualified  to  maintain  its
         capital  disbursement,  provisioning  costs,  business activities,
         reductions in solvency, and current account  making  sure  that

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