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         Knowledge                           thetic and encourage solidarity and under-  to focus on these? If so, what will be the
                                                                                 key products?
                                             standing for each other. There are four re-
                                                                                   IBM Vietnam will continue supporting our
         for the future                      entry imperatives we are focusing on: work-  clients in the adoption of Open Hybrid Cloud
                                             force well-being, work practices, work policies,
                                             and workforce planning.             architecture. Works include enhancing enter-
         Ms. Pham Thi Thu Diep, Country        We also leverage AI tools such as natural  prises’ potential to cooperate in a broader busi-
         General Manager at IBM Vietnam,     language analytics to supplement standardized  ness ecosystem, and enabling speed, security
         tells VET’s Tra My of its pandemic  psychosocial assessments and provide addi-  and resiliency while radically reducing operating
                                                                                 costs and improving customer engagement. A
                                             tional  insights  to  support  counselling  and
         response and ongoing projects.
                                             treatment. This can support open dialogue  number of IBM clients in Vietnam have suc-
                                             on  mental  health  and  alleviate  any  stigma  cessfully deployed or are on the digital trans-
                                             head-on,  while  creating  a  judgement-free  formation journey. Projects where IBM is sup-
                                             work environment. It is important to inspire  porting local clients include MBBank’s digital
                                             and build confidence in our teams.   transformation consultancy, TPBank’s big data
                                                                                 deployment, Trung Nguyen Legend’s hybrid
                                             %  IBM  has  committed  to  technological  Cloud platform, Viglacera’s SAP HANA appli-
                                             advancement  in  Vietnam.  How  will  it  cation,  BIDV’s  datacenter  acceleration,  and
                                             realize this commitment?            Techcombank’ score banking implementation.
                                               In order to prepare the next generation of
                                             leaders with the necessary skills and knowledge  % What are your thoughts on trends in
                                             on AI and on adopting AI responsibly, IBM  Industry  4.0  in  Vietnam?  Do  you  have
                                             Vietnam will be offering new online resources  any suggestions?
                                             for teachers and students to learn about the  In the overall strategy of Vietnam’s Industry
                                             foundations of AI for free. This program is  4.0 policy, the adoption of cloud technology
                                             being offered by IBM Vietnam in cooperation  by  different  enterprises  and  industries  is
                                             with several universities and organizations.   visibly accelerating. This trend is driven by
         % How has IBM been affected by Covid-  We  have  announced  the  deployment  of  the  need  to  become  increasingly  digital,
         19 and what measures have been taken  an AI and robotics training program, in coop-  thereby  positioning  organizations  to  offer
         in response?                        eration with several educational institutions,  differentiated value propositions.
           The health and safety of IBMers, partners,  to provide basic AI skills to teachers in Viet-  A recent survey by the IBM Institute for
         and clients remain our top priority. In every  nam’s 63 cities and provinces. These work-  Business  Value  (IBV)  showed  that  business
         market we operate in, including Vietnam, we  shops  will  equip  teachers  with  a  basic  executives in Vietnam are increasingly planning
         are navigating public health and government  approach,  workflow,  and  application  of  AI  to invest in hybrid multi-cloud platform strate-
         restrictions and the continued susceptibility  that they can bring to life and will benefit at  gies and capabilities to drive business trans-
         to Covid-19.                        least 1,200 students nationwide.    formation and unlock value. Of survey respon-
           IBM has adopted a phased approach on  This  year,  IBM  Vietnam  will  expand  to  dents  in  Vietnam,  16  percent  said  their  IT
         returning employees to the workplace, intro-  Phase 2 of the New Collar program in coop-  spend is allocated to cloud at present and they
         ducing evidence-based practices and policies  eration with the School of Information and  plan to increase the share of spend on hybrid
         meant to reduce risks and applying a single  Communications Technology (SoICT) at the  from 41 percent now to 43 percent by 2023.
         standard across the company: a globally-con-  Hanoi University of Science and Technology  Cloud  has  evolved,  providing  businesses
         sistent set of policies and standards that are  (HUST). By leveraging IBM’s learning platform,  with benefits around reduced time to market,
         based on public health guidance and other  the school and its ecosystem will introduce  accelerating innovation, optimizing costs across
         government guidelines.              cloud curriculum delivered through a series  the enterprise, and in general improving stability
           As communities move to reopen, we con-  of  enablement  workshops  for  researchers,  and resiliency. Despite significant investments
         tinue our resource sharing with all our employ-  lecturers, and students at ten technical uni-  in time and capital, progress towards realizing
         ees on how IBMers will return to the workplace  versities  in  Vietnam’s  three  regions.  The  these  benefits  from  public  cloud  have  been
         with  data-driven,  evidence-based  practices  enablement workshops are expected to benefit  underwhelming. Common barriers include (i)
         and policies that safeguard them. Our IBM  5,000 students nationwide, with at least 300  the perceived high cost of applying modern-
         Return  to  the  Workplace  Playbook  offers  obtaining IBM digital badges with relevant  ization and the somewhat long time for projects
         practical  guidance  to  employees,  partners,  industry skills.        to  realize  benefits,  (ii)  vendor  lock-in  with
         and clients on IBM’s initial phases of returning  Last but not least, IBM Vietnam will coop-  some cloud providers, thus making portability
         to work when and where feasible.    erate with our in-country educational partners  difficult,  (iii)  reliance  on  expensive  services
           To ensure the safety of our employees, we  to promote Open P-TECH; IBM’s global edu-  and  hidden  costs  (such  as  the  cost  of  data
         have been improving our health and safety  cation  initiative.  This  free  digital  education  transmission) resulting in sticker shock, and
         policies and protocols and workplace readiness,  platform focuses on workplace learning and  (iv)  missing  functionalities  required  for  the
         including social distancing and ensuring the  digital  skills,  which  builds  on  the  industry-  industry the client is operating in. All obstacles
         right standard operating procedures (SOPs)  leading P-TECH program and targets equipping  require the platform be open and enable porta-
         are in place.                       14 to 20-year-old students and educators with  bility across various landscapes that the cus-
           During  this  challenging  time,  it  is  also  foundational technological competencies like  tomer may carry. Industry-specific cloud plat-
         important  to  have  empathy,  solidarity,  and  cloud and AI. The target to April 2021 is to tap  forms must be hybrid and should transcend
         understanding for each other. We are keeping  5,000  local  students,  who  will  register  for  the IT elements to knit business applications
         a close tab on employee sentiment and feed-  Open P-TECH.               and  processes  together.  I  believe  the  open
         back and reiterating our approach constantly.                           hybrid cloud platform is where industry expert-
           Now more than ever, for the well-being  % Having been in charge of cloud services  ise comes in. This will be crucial in supporting
         of our employees, it is imperative to be empa-  and cognitive software, will you continue  the acceleration of Industry 4.0. %

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