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           Notably, stimulus measures for domestic                              vide a good staycation option for domestic
         tourism  resulted  in  the  market  becoming  The hotel and resort     tourists and are well-positioned in the current
         more competitive, though hotels and resorts  segment was one of        situation.”
         have always had to offer promotions or dis-  the most affected by the
         counts to attract guests. “A smaller market  pandemic and will also likely  Looking ahead
         and fiercer competition forced everyone to  be among the slowest to        The Vietnamese Government and the hos-
         introduce flexible strategies and promotions,”                          pitality sector displayed resilience and adapted
         Ms. Huong added. “But programs and pack-  fully recover. Fortunately,  well to the unfavorable conditions in 2020.
         ages with deeply reduced prices make it diffi-  the domestic market helped  Ms. Huong said that Vietnam made a name
         cult for us to turn a profit.”        cushion the impact                for  itself  by  largely  controlling  Covid-19,
           Mr. Jackson said it is clear that hotels and  significantly and kept many  becoming known as a safe destination. “We
         resorts must offer discounts and promotions  hotels and resorts afloat.”  expect that the first six months of this year
         to  remain  attractive  amid  the  competition.                        will be a period of recovery in the tourism
         “With falling revenue, however, operators are                          sector,  with  domestic  tourism  remaining
         also forced to cut certain services or charge                          dominant,” she added. “There are few inter-
         extra for services such as meals, swimming  MR. DAVID JACKSON,         national tourists at the moment, so we believe
                                               CEO OF REAL ESTATE CONSULTANTS
         pool access, or laundry,” he explained. “The  COLLIERS.                this is an ideal time to invest in the compre-
         challenge  is  for  businesses  to  maintain  the                      hensive  maintenance  and  upgrade  of  Sun
         high-quality service they have provided for                            Group’s hotels and resorts nationwide.”
         years, while at the same time making necessary                            Without the much-needed revenue from
         adjustments to staff and other resources.”                              domestic visitors, the impact on resorts and
           When revenues took a nose-dive, many                                 hotels would be catastrophic. One silver lining
         hotels and resorts either had to shut down,  Huong said. “Because of promotions, more  of the pandemic, according to Colliers, is that
         introduce temporary or permanent layoffs,  local customers had the opportunity to expe-  it provided a chance for Vietnamese people
         or  use  their  cash  reserves  to  survive.  “As  rience  our  products  and  services  and  we  and expats in the country to visit places they
         many of these have existing loans and rents  became more familiar among holiday-makers.”   otherwise probably wouldn’t, especially des-
         to pay, they will be under increasing pressure  With  the  advantage  of  being  closer  to  tinations  readily  accessible  by  road  from
         when these become due, so it is important  home,  “staycations”  have  become  popular  nearby cities, such as Phan Thiet, Vung Tau,
         for  landlords  and  financial  institutions  to  among Vietnamese tourists. The Sun Group’s  Ho Tram, and Da Lat. Younger Vietnamese
         understand their difficulties and adjust the  hotels and resorts are in prime locations in  are also increasingly enjoying the travel expe-
         terms  to  help  them  through  the  crisis,”  he  attractive destinations such as Sapa, Quang  rience,  and  demand  for  products  such  as
         added.  “Covid-19  has  affected  all  revenue  Ninh, Da Nang, and Phu Quoc Island, and  design-focused hotels, high-end resorts, week-
         streams of hotels and resorts, including room  offer  a  diverse  and  self-contained  tourism  end getaways, and resorts close to nature has
         bookings,  F&B,  and  MICE  events.  It’s  the  ecosystem that includes entertainment and  been heading ever-upwards.
         same all around the world.”         other services like F&B and shopping. “Such  Colliers forecast that 2021 will continue
                                             destinations are ideal during the pandemic,”  to  be  a  challenging  and  uncertain  year  for
         Doing their best                    Ms. Huong said.                    the hotel and resort segment in Vietnam, and
           Despite the impact of the pandemic, devel-  According to Colliers’ observations, as the  domestic visitors will continue to be the main
         opers of hotel and resort projects have made  staycation market becomes increasingly com-  tourism driver. “While any recovery in 2021
         every  effort  to  take  advantage  of  whatever  petitive it is important to create unique and  will depend on the efforts of the government
         opportunities  there  are  to  stay  afloat  and  interesting experiences to attract visitors and  to control Covid-19 and import vaccines, the
         grow  the  segment.  In  addition  to  building  encourage them to stay longer. Mr. Jackson  timeline of a full recovery remains unknown
         new  projects  in  new  destinations,  the  FLC  said that some hotels and resorts near beaches  because the global economic downturn and
         Group has also determined that the top priority  have launched special tours, such as yachting  the evolution of the virus has created uncer-
         is  offering  “combos”  that  include  flights,  trips  with  sizeable  discounts,  while  others  tainty  everywhere,”  Mr.  Jackson  said.  “The
         accommodation, and dining, so guests can  have cut the rates on their larger hotel rooms,  attitudes  and  needs  of  tourists  will  change
         freely  explore  the  destination.  The  Group  which  were  previously  targeted  at  foreign  post-pandemic, and it is important these new
         also offers combos of flights and hotel and  tourists. “The marketing of these rooms on  preferences are fully understood.” %
         resort stays together with rounds of golf or  various platforms
         spa treatments.                     like hotel booking
           The Sun Group, meanwhile, continues to  apps  and  the
         innovate  its  products  and  services  and  has  introduction  of
         launched new projects and products, including  attractive   and
         the  Yoko  Onsen  Quang  Hanh  Hot  Springs  affordable  pack-
         Resort in northern Quang Ninh province last  ages  are  crucial,”
         May. It has also worked with localities and  he added. “Natu-
         partners to introduce new products and pack-  rally,  hotels  and
         ages with preferential prices, encouraging the  resorts near cities
         travel business community to “shake hands”  will  have  an
         and  stimulate  demand.  “Thanks  to  timely  advantage, as they
         guidance from the Government, the flexibility  are  convenient
         of the tourism industry and the locality, and,  weekend destina-
         especially, the acumen and effort of tourism  tions.   Luxury
         businesses,  the  domestic  market  quickly  hotels in the heart
         improved after each Covid-19 outbreak,” Ms.  of a city also pro-

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