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Hotels and resorts are locked in a battle for survival
and domestic tourists may be their salvation.
onstruction of the five-star FLC Grand positive impact on the development of domes- against 2019. There were 3.7 million interna-
Hotel complex within the FLC Quang tic tourism. Developers of hotel and resort tional visitors in total, down 80 per cent, and
C Binh Beach and Golf Resort in the projects are now trying to take every advantage 56 million domestic tourists, down 34 per
central province of Quang Binh began in mid- of opportunities in the domestic sector. “The cent. As a result, 95 per cent of travel busi-
January. The 500-room hotel consists of two hotel and resort segment was one of the most nesses have ceased operations, according to
buildings and facilities such as an infinity pool, affected by the pandemic and will also likely figures from the Ministry of Culture, Sports
international-standard restaurants, a sky bar be among the slowest to fully recover,” said and Tourism. “International arrivals were
and cigar lounge, and an outdoor stage. Vice Mr. David Jackson, CEO of real estate con- affected by Vietnam temporarily suspending
Chairwoman of the FLC Group, Ms. Huong sultants Colliers. “Fortunately, the domestic entry, while social distancing measures hit
Tran Kieu Dung, told the breaking-ground market helped cushion the impact significantly domestic travel,” Mr. Jackson said. “The
ceremony that the average stay of domestic and kept many hotels and resorts afloat.” central region was also struck by 13 tropical
tourists in Quang Binh is only a day; much storms, causing the worst flooding and land-
lower than the average at other destinations Tough times slides in a century and further denting tourism
around Vietnam. “FLC Quang Binh is expected Vietnam’s tourism industry has seen an revenue in those areas.”
to create a driving force to attract more major unprecedented decline in international arrivals Ms. Bui Thi Thanh Huong, Vice Chair-
investors, contributing to creating thousands and revenue over the last 12 months, causing woman of the Board and General Director of
of jobs and promoting socio-economic growth heavy damage to the hotel and resort segment. the Sun Group, told VET that its hotel and
in the province,” she said. According to the Vietnam Tourism Associa- resort network did not escape the crisis. “We
Covid-19 has had a severe impact on the tion, tourism revenue totaled VND312.2 trillion have lost trillions of dong since travel was
hotel and resort segment but also had a ($13.8 billion) in 2020, down 58.7 per cent suspended,” she said.