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            G WIND FARM TO RECEIVE GE TURBINES H  per cent of pre-construction projects being
                                             wind or solar. “In our inaugural release, which
                                             provides  a  snapshot  of  the  power  project
                                             pipeline at the end of 2020, developed markets
                                             such as Australia and Japan lead the region in
                                             the  Renewable  Additions  Index,  with  the
                                             majority  of  their  upcoming  projects  being
                                             wind or solar power,” the report stated. “Emerg-
                                             ing markets such as Vietnam, Sri Lanka, and
                                             the  Philippines  also  have  significant  non-
                                             hydro renewable energy in the project pipeline.”

                                                                                 platforms, which drive their “best practice”
                                             G AZERAI CAN THO OFFERS PILATES RETREATS H  services, having successfully carried out the
         GE Renewable Energy has been awarded a                                  2020  Core  AI  Project,  which  enhanced  the
         contract by the Ocean Renewable Energy JSC                              bank’s products and supported the end-to-
         to supply four of its MW-137 wind turbines                              end customer experience. One such outstand-
         to support the construction of the Cau Dat                              ing  application  was  SeAMobile  -  the  only
         Wind Farm, the first wind farm in the central                            financial application in the domestic banking
         highlands province of Lam Dong. The contract                            landscape  that  features  a  virtual  “personal
         also  provides  a  ten-year  full-service  O&M                          financial assistant”. To power its bespoke Cus-
         (operations and maintenance) agreement for                              tomer Care Efficiency (CCE) standards, SeA-
         the wind farm. This is GE Renewable Energy’s                            Bank has cooperated with FPT Smart Cloud,
         first  partnership  with  Ocean  Renewable                               becoming the first domestic bank to launch
         Energy. Both companies have been working                                an FPT AI Virtual Assistant solution in Viet-
         closely for a year on wind farm design, layout,                         nam’s banking sector. This strategic, concurrent
         transportation, and engineering. Construction                           investment is considered by the bank’s leaders
         of the Cau Dat Wind Farm is expected to be                              as “a vital foundation for SeABank to reach
         completed by the third quarter of this year,  Azerai Can Tho is introducing monthly four-  our digital convergence goal”, listing technology
         which  will  provide  substantial  benefits  for  day,  three-night  Pilates  retreats  starting  in  as one of five pillars for banking success to be
         the province’s economy, creating jobs during  March, as the resort continues to embrace  achieved through the consistent delivery of
         the initial construction period and ongoing  its  growing  reputation  as  one  of  southern  more digitized products and services.
         employment  opportunities  in  operations,  Vietnam’s most unique wellness destinations.
         maintenance,  and  project  support  services  The  next  Pilates  retreat  is  scheduled  for
         throughout the agreement period. “This fur-  March  8-11.  “Our  new  Pilates  retreats  are  G VIGLACERA TO INVEST IN IP H
         ther validates our commitment to Vietnam  one  more  step  for  Azerai  Can  Tho  as  we  The  Viglacera  Corporation  has  obtained
         and underscores our important contribution  become a total wellness destination in Viet-  approval  to  invest  in  the  Thuan  Thanh  I
         to the country’s energy transition,” said Mr.  nam,” said General Manager Vuko Kralj. “The  Industrial Park in northern Bac Ninh province.
         Gilan Sabatier, Regional Leader for GE Renew-  response to our first retreat in January was  Total initial investment is about $123.8 million.
         able  Energy’s  Onshore  Wind  Business  in  very  encouraging.  There  is  truly  no  better  The project covers over 249 ha and straddles
         South Asia and ASEAN.               environment for a healthy and relaxing escape  the three communes of Ninh Xa, Tram Lo,
                                             than our breezy islet.” The new Pilates retreats  and Nghia Dao in Thuan Thanh district. The
                                             include  a  45-minute  posture  analysis,  five  time  for  project  implementation  is  not  to
             G VIETNAM RISING IN CLEAN POWER H  60-minute Pilates sessions per stay on reform-  exceed 36 months from the date of the land
                                             ers,  a  60-minute  wellbeing  spa  treatment,  handover. Thuan Thanh I will have a lifespan
                                             and a 60-minute antioxidant green tea scrub  of  50  years  from  February  17,  2021.  The
                                             at The Azerai Spa. All activities will comply  locality is also responsible for selecting com-
                                             with government and local authority health  petent  investors  to  implement  the  project,
                                             regulations. As such, spa treatments on the  and  organizing  land  acquisition  and  com-
                                             itinerary are subject to possible replacement  pensation, site clearance, and the conversion
                                             with  other  activities.  Located  on  a  private  of land use purpose.
                                             islet on the Hau River and accessible only by
                                             boat, Azerai Can Tho offers a peaceful natural
                                             setting for retreats.

         Vietnam leads emerging markets in the new  G SEABANK BUSY WITH DIGITIZATION H
         Clean  Power  Additions  Ranking  for  Asia  The Southeast Asia Commercial Joint Stock
         Pacific, standing in third place, according to  Bank (SeABank) is continually upgrading its
         the latest report from IHS Markit. With aggres-  infrastructure, including the latest in artificial
         sive renewable energy policies, especially feed-  intelligence (AI) systems to advance the cus-
         in tariffs, Vietnam has unleashed its technical  tomer experience while optimizing its oper-
         as  well  as  commercial  potential  for  solar,  ations,  as  it  views  digitization  as  a  crucial
         onshore wind, and offshore wind power, with  pillar in supporting banking progress. SeABank
         a third of under-construction projects and 45  is widely regarded as a pioneer in AI banking

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