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         The value of soft power                                                (CPTPP) and the EU-Vietnam FTA, making
                                                                                the country an important factor in all regional
                                                                                and intra-regional economic links, which is
         Vietnam’s pandemic response has gone a long to cementing               a boost for its imports and exports.
         its reputation around the world as a safe destination.                    At  the  same  time,  the  “Vietnam  Value”
                                                                                program’s management agency, the Ministry
                                                                                of Industry and Trade (MoIT), has actively
          MR. SAMIR DIXIT,
          MANAGING DIRECTOR, BRAND FINANCE ASIA PACIFIC                         supported Vietnamese enterprises to improve
                                                                                their capacity through consulting on business
                                                                                development, establishing information sys-
              conomic growth in the 21st century is  the countries to benefit from it, and Vietnam  tems,  and  upgrading  branding  knowledge.
              all  about  sustained  collaboration  needs to do just that to get further ahead.  All of these initiatives have helped increase
         E between various stakeholders and the  It seems to have managed all aspects of  awareness about the program and “Vietnam
         correlation  of  perceptions  of  the  national  its perception quite well, especially the inte-  Value”  products  through  various  domestic
         brand and the brands from the country, which  gration and alignment of its national brand  and international media channels.
         can truly enhance soft power both internally  and brands from the country. Prime Minister  Meanwhile, MoIT also focuses on building
         and externally.                     Nguyen  Xuan  Phuc  approved  the  Vietnam  and promoting geographical indications and
           With a Global Soft Power Index score of  National Brand Program from 2020 to 2030,  collective trademarks of Vietnam in foreign
         33.8 out of 100, Vietnam is the only country in  which aims to increase the value and rankings  markets,  supporting  improvements  to  the
         the  ASEAN  region  to  see  an  increase  in  its  of  the  national  brand  while  targeting  over  competitiveness of businesses based on rep-
         ranking  this  year,  of  2.5.  This  is  because  of  1,000  products  to  become  strong  national  utation for quality, environmentally-friendly
         increases in overall influence and business &  brands. Brands from the country are managed  production,  and  professionalism,  thereby
         trade  scores,  according  to  the  latest  Brand  through specific efforts and initiatives under-  contributing to consolidating the position of
         Finance Global Soft Power Index 2021 report.  taken by Vietrade, under the national trade-  Vietnamese brands in the global market.
         While  Covid-19  has  posed  many  challenges  mark program “Vietnam Value”.  Thanks  to  the  program,  Vietnam’s
         for countries around the world, it also brings  At the national level, Vietnam has estab-  processed  food  industry  now  contributes
         a  fair  amount  of  praise  for  those  that  have  lished  diplomatic  relations  with  187  of  the  upwards of $17 billion to export revenue and
         managed the pandemic well, thereby giving  193  member  states  of  the  UN,  and  signed  the apparel industry over $22 billion. These
         them an opportunity to showcase their lead-  new-generation free trade agreements (FTAs)  economic contributions are absolutely crucial
         ership and crisis management abilities. But all  such as the Comprehensive and Progressive  for Vietnam’s overall growth and reputation,
         that information must be shared globally for  Agreement  for  Trans-Pacific  Partnership  and contribute to its soft power. %

            Interview with Mr. Vu Ba Phu, Director General,                        Vietnam is well known as a safe country. Its
            Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency, Ministry of Industry and Trade.     popularity makes it easy for it to draw inter-
                                                                                national investment, events, and tourists, which
                                                                                brings significant opportunities for the country’s
         % Vietnam is going through a growth spurt.  of a given country dominate the international  economic development. Not only that, Vietnam
         What role does so!t power play for its GDP  market, the stronger that country becomes.  has succeeded in turning the challenges of the
         growth and success in the region and globally?  Notably,  branding  will  play  a  crucial  role  Covid-19 crisis into opportunities to promote
           Vietnam’s soft power stems not only from  when  Vietnam  participates  in  more  new-  and  enhance  the  image  of  its  products  and
         the  inheritance  and  promotion  of  its  own  generation FTAs.       national brands.
         values, including its heroic history, tradition,  Recognizing the importance of branding
         culture, and peace-loving foreign policy, but  for a country in the globalization process, the  % What are your goals for the next decade
         also the development and optimization of its  government  launched  the  “Vietnam  Value”  in  terms  of  building  up  Vietnam’s  so!t
         new position and advantages. In the difficult  program  in  2003,  a  unique  and  long-term  power capabilities?
         context of 2020, the successful performance  trade promotion program. The aim is to build  In order to build up and promote its soft
         of  its  “dual  role”  as  ASEAN  Chairman  and  Vietnam’s image as a country home to high-  power, first of all, Vietnam needs to undertake
         non-permanent member of the UN Security  quality products and services, to increase the  a strategic orientation for systematic and long-
         Council is testament to the harmonious appli-  attraction of Vietnam and its people and boost  term soft power promotion in the digital era.
         cation of soft power in Vietnam’s multilateral  foreign trade and national competitiveness.  Secondly,  it  is  necessary  to  improve  growth
         and bilateral diplomatic relations.   Thanks to support for the program, many  quality and workplace productivity, and to pro-
           Vietnam is one of the most open economies  Vietnamese enterprises have gradually created,  mote  creative  industries,  thereby  improving
         in  the  world,  with  a  ratio  of  trade-to-GDP  developed, and promoted their brands pro-  economic  competitiveness.  Thirdly,  it  must
         increasing from 136 per cent in 2010 to approx-  fessionally, thereby improving their compet-  continue to preserve and promote the diverse
         imately 200 per cent in 2019. Amid Covid-19  itiveness  and  affirming  their  position  in  and rich values of its culture. Fourthly, diplomacy
         shutdowns, which caused output to slump in  domestic and foreign markets.   should concentrate on enhancing capacity and
         early 2020, Vietnam was one of only a few coun-                        asserting  the  country’s  role  in  regional  and
         tries to post GDP growth, of nearly 3 per cent.  % How has Covid-19 impacted Vietnam’s  international affairs. Fifthly, there needs to be
                                             so!t power?                        a focus on investment in science and technology.
         % Brands from the country are a strong tool to  The Covid-19 pandemic is increasingly seri-  In  addition  to  building  and  promoting  soft
         drive advocacy with global stakeholders. How  ous,  complicated,  and  unpredictable,  with  power, Vietnam also needs to strengthen and
         is Vietnam globalizing its homegrown brands?  extensive  and  far-reaching  impacts  pushing  accomplish its hard power to create synergy -
           In  a  modern  and  continuously  evolving  many countries into a two-pronged health and  “smart power” - to demonstrate its new geo-
         economy, the more the homegrown brands  economic crisis.               strategic and geo-economic position. %

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