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                                                                                                BANKING & FINANCE
           The  long-term  potential  of  the  market,  SALES CHANNELS
         meanwhile, remains intact. The proportion                   Life insurance  Non-life insurance
         of  bancassurance  in  total  insurance  is  still
         low  in  Vietnam  compared  to  comparable  Sales agents of insurers
         countries, while there is an emerging working   Bank tellers
         class  and  middle  class,  according  to  Mr.  Insurer websites
         Nguyen Ngoc Thanh, Analyst at Viet Dragon
         Securities Company (VDSC). The contribution    Social media
         of bancassurance to the insurance market as  Digital bank apps
         a whole has fluctuated at around 17-18 per     Major retailers
         cent since 2019, while non-life bancassurance  Bank telemarketing
         has also increased.                      E-commerce channels
           The shift in the cooperative structure to      E-wallets
         exclusive distribution is expected to accelerate  Healthcare services
         market growth and set a direction for com-  Product comparison websites
         petition where ecosystems are key, he went  Telecommunications
         on. “We look forward to banks building self-             0    10    20    30    40   50    60    70   80
         contained  networks  with  product  diversity  Source: Vietnam Report survey, June 2020ey, June 2020
         in order to attract sustainable, active customers
         as well as low-cost funds,” he said. “Insurance
         is  a  great  supplement  to  fulfil  banks’  fee-  lower compared to previously, driven by slower  ment-linked insurance products, which com-
         based product basket. On the insurers’ side,  growth in life bancassurance. Moderate loan  plement our core banking products.”
         the banking ecosystem, with a massive, active  demand and disposable incomes being affected  For  Sacombank,  2021  is  expected  to  be
         client  base  and  data,  is  an  efficient  way  to  by the pandemic are believed to be the causes,  more challenging than 2020 if there are new
         penetrate into the market or expand market  as bancassurance involves cross-selling.  outbreaks of Covid-19. “We will continue to
         share and acquire loyal customers.”   The biggest challenge from the pandemic,  focus on further improving the quality of our
           He also expects banks to diversify their  according to Ms. Thu from OCB, has been  staff in direct and indirect consultancy, diver-
         income sources to non-funded items such as  the inability to reach customers due to lock-  sifying  product  distribution  channels,  and
         bancassurance.  In  an  attempt  to  raise  the  downs. The solution has been to go digital.  adding  more  product  lines  to  proactively
         contribution  of  net  service  income  to  the  “In  addition  to  all  insurance  consultations  approach customers through digital sales and
         government’s target (16-17 per cent in 2025),  and sales and after-sales services for bancas-  service apps,” said Mr. Thinh.
         along with payments, bancassurance fees are  surance products going digital, we have also  Life  insurance  density  and  penetration
         considered a vital, sustainable income stream.  ensured that 100 per cent of our bancassurance  in Vietnam as of the end of 2019 was $49
         Based on this, he forecasts that the bancas-  sales staff continue to be trained online to  per  capita  and  1.43  per  cent,  respectively,
         surance market will achieve higher growth  enhance their skills and increase their ability  which are much lower than the average in
         in the future than in the past, and the trend  to serve customers’ needs better,” she said.  emerging Asia-Pacific countries of $120 per
         towards  exclusive  cooperation  will  boost  OCB believes bancassurance will be a key  capita and 2.25 per cent. The growth potential                                                                                                                                                                      !
         interaction between banks and insurers. This  driver of customer growth, with varied prod-  for  the  life  insurance  market  is  therefore
         will  help  improve  sales  efficiency  and  the  ucts and services that meet all financial needs.  still substantial. According to FitchSolution,
         identification of resolutions for compatible,  “While in 2020 we had a successful year even  life insurance premiums are forecast to grow
         customized new products, while tackling the  amid the challenges from the pandemic, in  19 per cent year-on-year in 2021. “We expect
         second-year policy cancellation issue.  2021 our focus is to expand our bancassurance  that bancassurance will continue to thrive
                                             business to all segments, such as Corporate  and surpass the general growth rate of life
                                             Banking  and  MSMEs  [micro,  small  and  insurance in the coming year, especially with
         Tough times
           Despite the continued potential of Viet-  medium-sized enterprises],” she explained.  recent  prominent  partnerships  formed
         nam’s bancassurance market, VDSC has observed  “Another key area of focus is customers with  between life insurers and banks,” said Ms.
         that  the  pace  of  development  last  year  was  deposit accounts, who we can offer invest-  Ha from SSI.  %

              1H 2019    FY2019     1H2020                    1H 2019    FY2019     1H2020
               BID  VCB  ACB  MBB  VPB Parent  HDB  TPB  TCB  BID  VIB  BID  VCB  ACB  MBB  VPB Parent  HDB  TPB  TCB  BID  VIB
         Source: VDSC, 2020

                                                                                  MARCH 2021  | VIETNAM ECONOMIC TIMES | 35
   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42