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         on food (both fresh food and packaged food,  domestic consumers in mind. The high sales
         including instant noodles) as a basic need.  price, meanwhile, stems from additional costs  CONSUMPTION OF INSTANT NOODLES
                                                                                 PER YEAR, BY COUNTRY
         They also spent more time at home, leading  such as import duties and shipping charges.
         to more in-home cooking. “We saw significant  Local  products  are  suitable  to  local  palates,
         growth  in  the  need  for  both  fresh  food,  come  at  a  reasonable  price,  and  are  easy  to  40.25
         cooking additives, and convenient food, with  buy. “In addition to using products with Viet-
         instant  noodles  and  packaged  bread  being  namese flavors familiar from their past, con-
         popular alternatives,” Mr. Christou said.   sumers also have the option of trying flavors
           Instant noodles are also convenient, pro-  from other countries,” he said. “I think instant
         viding an easy and quick meal with diverse  noodles are a diverse food type that can meet
         product choices and innovation to meet the  demand, so I want Acecook Vietnam’s products
         needs of customers and target different con-  to develop in parallel with imported products.”
         sumer groups, a range of options (“pho” or  In general, according to Kantar Vietnam’s
         other  noodles),  flavors  (tomyum  or  beef),  observations, the diversity in product choice  12.54
         price points (economy, mainstream, or pre-  is one of the main drivers of the development
         mium), and product origin (Vietnam, Thailand,  of the instant noodles market, so more players  6  5.78  5.2
         South Korea, Japan, or Indonesia). “Consumers  mean more choice, which then excites con-
         can buy instant noodles anywhere, whether  sumers  and  stimulates  their  spend  on  the
         at a corner store or supermarket, and even at  category overall. “Each brand or player has
         emerging channels like convenience stores,  its core consumer target and puts effort into  China  Indonesia  India  Japan  Vietnam
         minimarkets, and online,” Mr. Christou noted.   expanding their portfolio to reach as many
                                            people as possible, so the growth opportunity  Source: World Instant Noodles Association (WINA)
         Hot competition                    is the same for all players,” Mr. Christou said.
           The Covid-19 pandemic has contributed  “Consumers seek value-for-money options,
         to brand growth, revealing a market of con-  and are even willing to pay more for high-
         tinued potential and rising competition. There  quality products from either local or foreign  that the greatest challenge facing its instant
         are  currently  more  than  50  instant  noodle  manufacturers. Those who meet consumers’  noodles  is  the  rapid  change  in  consumer
         producers in Vietnam, according to WINA.  changing tastes and aspirations with innova-  behavior in shopping, brand perception, inter-
         The local market features major names like  tion,  bringing  them  new  experiences,  will  action with the media, and technology, espe-
         Acecook, Masan and Asia Food, which hold  win out in the end.”         cially among teenagers. “Brands that want to
         more than 70 per cent of the market share.                             be  ‘friends’  with  the  customer  need  to  be

         Other foreign brands have been arriving on  Limitations in place       flexible to reach them in the first place and

         Vietnam’s shores, however, such as Nongshim  With  such  a  competitive  market  comes  understand their needs, so they can better
         from South Korea and Indomie from Indone-  challenges. As penetration is already at a high  serve them.”
         sia. Foreign noodles with higher prices are  level, of almost 100 per cent of Vietnamese  Kantar Vietnam also pointed out that in
         attracting the interest of young consumers  households, there are few opportunities to  terms  of  volume  consumption,  the  devel-
         earning medium or high incomes.     pick up new shoppers, according to Kantar  opment  of  instant  noodles  can  indeed  be
           The Masan Consumer representative said  Vietnam. Competition will therefore become  driven by an increase in volume consumption,
         that  the  more  developed  Vietnam’s  instant  even  fiercer  as  brands  and  players  fight  it  but this is no easy task. Each household cur-
         noodle  industry  becomes,  the  more  it  will  out. The market also, of course, is competing  rently consumes four or five packs of instant
         attract big names. “Competition brings new  with  emerging  options  such  as  packaged  noodles a week on average. There remains        S
         benefits and better products to consumers,”  bread,  breakfast  cereal,  spaghetti,  biscuits  space for growth, but a great deal of effort is
         he said. “This is not a challenge, but an oppor-  and cakes, and dairy-based products.   required, especially in marketing and com-

         tunity for domestic brands to perfect them-  The Masan Consumer representative noted  munications. %
         selves, meet the expectations of consumers,
                and compete fairly with all foreign brands.”
         Omachi is now the leading brand in Masan’s  % CONTRIBUTION OF EMERGING CHANNELS TO CATEGORY VALUE GROWTH
         high-end segment, with more than 20 types
         of products. Its strategy is to “premiumize”
         the brand, through continually creating new                                          FY 2019
         products. Each Masan instant noodles brand
         is aimed at a distinct target group, designed                                        H1 2020
         for their benefit, and ready to change to suit
         modern  consumer  habits  and  trends.  “We
         hope  to  continue  to  bring  products  made
         using the most advanced technology in the
         world, that are suitable to Vietnamese palates
         and meet the rising consumer demand,” the
         representative said.
           Competition  is  indeed  heating  up.  Mr.
         Junichi said that retailers around the country,
         especially supermarkets and convenience stores,
         are selling more instant noodles from South  Cosmetics  Children’s   Noodles   FMCG  Fabric care  Soft drinks
                                                                       & soups
                                                          milk powder
         Korea,  Indonesia,  Thailand,  and  elsewhere,
         but  these  are  manufactured  with  their  own  Source: Kantar, Worldpanel, Omnichannel 2020 report

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