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         deals  in  the  dairy  industry.  In  mid-2020,                        which would drive consumption growth.
 R                                           DAIRY INDUSTRY MARKET SHARE, 2020
         Vinamilk  officially  gained  75  per  cent  of                             Vietnam’s new generation FTAs present
         shares and took control of the GTNFoods                                a host of opportunities to companies in the

         Joint Stock Company, thereby acquiring Moc                             industry.  “We  must  face  competition  from
         Chau  Milk,  which  holds  a  sizable  market                          foreign  enterprises  during  integration,  but
         share in Vietnam’s north. Vinamilk posted                              this should motivate domestic companies to
         net revenue of VND12.122 trillion ($527 mil-         VNM 43.3%         restructure  their  production  and  business,
         lion) in the domestic market, up 3.3 per cent                          like  improving  technology  and  production
         against 2019, thanks to it picking up GTN-                             processes,  in  order  to  offer  higher-quality
         Foods. The Blue Point Joint Stock Company            FrieslandCampina 15.8%   products at reasonable prices,” said Mr. Hai.
         (Blue  Point)  and  the  Ban  Viet  Securities       TH True Milk 6.1%  “Integration also contributes to the elimination
         Company (VCSC), meanwhile, successfully              Abbott 5.0%       of sub-standard products. This is an oppor-
 S        purchased shares in the International Dairy         Nutifood 7.2%     tunity for TH to compete with dairy products
         Company (IDP) from VinaCapital last August.          Moc Chau Milk 2.1%  in foreign markets, proving our capabilities.”
         IDP then brought in nearly VND992 billion            Vinasoy 6.2%         SSI  Research  said  that  although  milk  is
         ($43.1  million)  in  net  revenue  in  just  the    Others 14.3%      considered  an  essential  commodity,  con-
         first six months of 2020 and VND114 billion                             sumption trends may follow the “K-model”,
         ($4.9 million) in after-tax profit; growth of                           which means that only a few enterprises see
         2.8-fold year-on-year.               Source: Euromonitor, SSI          rapid growth while others see the exact oppo-
                                                                                site. It expects single-digit revenue growth
         Opportunities and obstacles                                            for the dairy industry this year, based on an
           Dairy  companies  may  be  posting  solid                            assumption that Covid-19 will be controlled
         results  after  adopting  good  strategies,  but  disasters in the central region, affecting TH  by mid-2021 and there will be no more social
         there remain obstacles to overcome. Though  for a short period of time, according to Mr.  distancing periods, while overall dairy con-
         dairy products are an essential commodity,  Hai. “We had to introduce effective solutions  sumption will likely increase 7 per cent.
         demand among low-income consumers may  to  ensure  that  the  supply  of  fresh  milk  to  Investors are increasingly interested in ESG
         well  be  affected  by  Covid-19,  according  to  consumers was not interrupted,” he explained.  (environment, society, and governance) when
         SSI Research. For example, companies like  According  to  the  VDA,  however,  the  investing  in  dairy  companies,  the  company
         Vinamilk  and  Vinasoys  saw  their  product  domestic dairy industry will continue to grow  added, so dairy companies have begun to diver-
         mix  shift  in  the  first  nine  months  of  2020  this year thanks to increased consumption,  sify their products, for example shifting to plant-
         towards low-cost items. Consumers in general  as demand for high-value dairy products is  based drinks, while consumers are also increas-
         will  be  more  sensitive  about  price  at  least  forecast to rise sharply among young people  ingly interested in nut-based dairy products.
         until the end of this year, so the premiumiza-  and the growing middle class. Mr. Nguyen  Exports will also become a driving force
         tion process, whereby they trade up to more  Anh Dzung, Senior Director, Retail Intelligence,  to boost growth at domestic dairy companies.
         premium products, may slow down.    at NielsenIQ Vietnam, told VET that it has  For  example,  in  addition  to  continuing  to
           Dairy has been one of the top products in  observed  strong  premiumization  across  all  promote  exports  to  traditional  markets,
         terms  of  higher  purchasing  volume  via  e-  categories. “People are willing to pay more  Vinamilk  has  also  seen  handy  exports  to
         commerce platforms during the pandemic.  for  high-quality  or  superior  functions,”  he  countries such as South Korea, China, Singa-
         SSI said, however, that the channel will see  added. “Consumers also demand greater con-  pore, and countries in Southeast Asia, while
         lower profit margins than traditional channels  venience due to busier working lives, smaller  developing new markets in Africa. With rev-
         due to the fierce competition at play. Modern  household sizes, and rapid urbanization.”  enue growth of 7.4 per cent last year compared
         trade channels currently account for just 10-  VDA’s analysis also noted that the produc-  to 2019, its exports contributed substantially
         15  per  cent  of  the  revenue  of  Vietnamese  tion of raw milk in Vietnam meets just 40 per  to the country’s dairy industry overall.
         dairy enterprises.                  cent or so of domestic demand, so this remains  Mr.  Dzung  believes  that  with  Vietnam’s
           Domestic brands still dominate the market  an industry of potential. Demand for milk in  “golden population structure”, rising middle
         but competition from foreign brands is there  Vietnam is also still low, standing at just 26-  class, the major efforts of manufacturers as
         for  all  to  see.  According  to  the  Ministry  of  28 liters per person per year, while the global  regards  product  innovation  to  meet  rising
         Industry and Trade (MoIT), under commit-  average is significantly higher. Moreover, the  demand, and the consistent push for market
         ments in new generation free trade agreements  government  is  considering  extending  the  and channel expansion, Vietnam’s dairy indus-
         (FTAs) such as the Comprehensive and Pro-  School Milk Program for the 2021-2025 period,  try continues to boast potential. %
         gressive  Agreement  for  Trans-Pacific  Part-
         nership  (CPTPP),  the  EUVFTA,  and  the
         Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership  REVENUE STRUCTURE IN VIETNAM’S DAIRY MARKET
         (RCEP), dairy import taxes on certain countries
         exporting to Vietnam will fall to zero per cent  Drinking milk                                      47.6
         within the next three years, leading to fiercer
         competition between foreign and local products  Powder milk                    29.0
         in  price.  International  dairy  giants  such  as  Yogurt      14.5
         Abbott,  FrieslandCampina,  Mead  Johnson,
         and Nestlé, as well as many smaller dairy firms,  Cheese  1.7
         are skilled at marketing and product research
         and development and will always be competitive  Butter  0.7
         no matter where they do business.   Others             6.5
           In  addition  to  the  difficulties  posed  by
         Covid-19,  Vietnam  was  also  hit  by  natural  Source: Euromonitor, SSI

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