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           One of our key priorities last year was the
         well-being of our employees and agents. To
         this end, we took early precautionary measures
         to protect our people, provided them with a
         safe and comfortable environment to do their
         job,  whether  in  the  office  or  at  home,  and
         increased  benefits  for  themselves  and  their
         families, among other measures. Such efforts
         were recognized by our people, as Generali
         Vietnam was listed among the “Top 10 Com-
         panies with a Happy Workforce” by Anphabe
         in 2020.
           In a challenging year due to the pandemic
         and natural disasters, we also increased our
         support to the community. In addition to our
         regular community program supporting under-
         privileged children, two new programs - “Sinh  I am confident that     vate in terms of products and technologies,
         Con, Sinh Cha”, a parenting education program,                         enhance existing distribution networks, explore
         and “Sat Canh Ben Mien Trung”, an emergency  2021 will be a year       new channels, and really invest in understanding
         relief plan for central Vietnam flood victims -  when we can do even better  customers  better  and  upgrading  customer
         were launched and were very well received.   in terms of serving our   services to the next level. I think most insurers
           I  am  confident  that  2021  will  be  a  year  customers, supporting our  understand what is required of them to ensure
         when  we  can  do  even  better  in  terms  of  business partners, strength-  this strong growth momentum will continue.
         serving our customers, supporting our busi-  ening our brand and con-  Support from the government and policy mak-
         ness partners, strengthening our brand and  tributing to the community,  ers is also very important. Generali has built
         contributing to the community, as we continue                          this into our strategic plan as we aim to stake
         to  invest  strongly  in  our  people,  products,  as we continue to invest  out a strong presence in the market.
         technologies and service enhancements.  strongly in our people,
                                             products, technologies             % What  do  you  believe  the  government
         % Generali Vietnam is among the pioneers  and service enhancements.    should do to support insurance companies
         in  investing  heavily  in  information  tech-                         in terms of policies and regulations?
         nology and digital transformation. Can you                                The  Vietnamese  Government  has  been
         share your experience in and lessons learned                           taking active steps to promote the sustainable
         from your digitalization journey?                                      development  of  the  insurance  market.  On
           We realized early on that as a new company  Thirdly,  it  is  difficult  enough  to  create  February 28, 2019, the Prime Minister ratified
         in Vietnam with a young workforce, digital  digital tools and apps and even more difficult  a project on restructuring the stock and insur-
         transformation could become a key compet-  to drive adoption. These tools cannot create  ance markets by 2020 with a vision towards
         itive advantage if we got it right. Our journey  the desired impact or savings unless they are  2025. Under this project, life insurance coverage
         began exactly five years ago, and while it has  used widely, as intended. Therefore, we need  was to be 11 per cent of the population by
         been challenging at times, it ultimately proved  to have a clear strategy and pay due regard to  2020 and 15 per cent by 2025. This project
         to  be  a  very  rewarding  experience.  We’ve  this matter.           also details a comprehensive set of measures,
         learnt a lot over the past few years and I am  Finally, a successful digital transformation  including stepping up promotional activities
         happy to share some of the key lessons here.  journey starts with a culture of innovation  to raise public understanding about the role,
           As a simple rule, what can be done better  and entrepreneurship within the organization.  meaning and importance of insurance, thereby
         by machines or technology should be auto-  At  Generali,  we  encourage  our  people  to  shifting public perceptions towards insurance
         mated  or  digitalized.  This  means  we  may  “think big, start small, fail fast, scale quickly”.  and driving demand for insurance participation.
         have a long list of things to tackle. Projects  This  is  also  the  approach  we  have  taken  We hope that in implementing this project,
         that can concurrently benefit multiple user  throughout the past few years.  the  government  and  regulatory  body  will
         groups  (customers,  agents  and  employees)                           continue  to  complete  the  legal  framework
         should be prioritized. Obviously, those with  % Despite the high and stable growth seen  and policies, creating a legal corridor that is
         the most impact and the least effort and risk  in  recent  years,  insurance  penetration  in  favorable for the development of the insurance
         should be at the top of the list. We call these  Vietnam remains relatively low. What do  market, and strengthen promotional activities
         “quick wins”. Many projects can take several  you think insurance companies should do  to encourage insurance participation among
         months or even years to complete. So, it is  to tap into market potential more effectively?   the public, which will also significantly con-
         important to divide them into phases so that  I think we can be proud of the fact that  tribute to the development of the country’s
         results can be seen every three or four months.  Vietnam’s life insurance industry has grown  social security.
         This is important, as it helps the project team  leaps and bounds over the last 20 years, with  In the context of Industry 4.0, insurance
         learn  and  adjust  quickly.  It  also  serves  as  average annual growth of some 20 per cent,  companies, including Generali Vietnam, have
         motivation for the team and the organization  providing peace of mind to approximately 10  been forging ahead with digital transformation
         to carry on with the remaining project phases.   million  Vietnamese  families.  Compared  to  across our businesses. We hope the Vietnamese
           Secondly, digitalization does not mean tak-  the early days, the public’s understanding and  Government will continue to invest in upgrad-
         ing all offline processes and procedures online.  awareness of insurance has changed dramat-  ing the country’s information infrastructure,
         It is important to rationalize and redesign the  ically. Can we do more? I think definitely yes.   creating  a  favorable  environment  that  will
         processes, for simplification, risk management  My bet is that over the next ten years we  facilitate the digital transformation of enter-
         and an enhanced user experience.    could double this figure if we continue to inno-  prises, including insurance businesses. %

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