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In context of Covid-19, WISE trans- themselves economically run the risk of being 19 yet to be fully contained, women have had
formed its activities to suit the circum- left behind. Digital platforms such as e-com- greater responsibility for helping their children
stances, conducting a range of activities to merce, Google, and Facebook have created study online at home, in addition to housework,
inspire and build capacity among business- opportunities for businesswomen to easily while continuing to lead their business. %
women and transferring capital connections reach customers,promote products, and expand
to online. WISE programs also focused on markets. There are observations and data that
supporting businesses to transition in response indicate there is a certain gap in technology
to changes caused by Covid-19. One of the application between male- and female-owned
focuses is to help women-owned SMEs businesses. However, women in business also
improve their knowledge and skills in using hold many advantages, such as persistence,
digital tools. Digital transformation is currently flexibility and adaptability, empathy, and good
a trend for all businesses. Under the close communication skills, giving them abilities
direction of the government, Vietnam’s e- in community building, customer understand-
commerce sector has made great progress in ing, and attention to detail. These can be fully
recent years, presenting many business oppor- promoted for successful digital transformation.
tunities to women. E-commerce in general is One of the main challenges for female leaders
creating a new generation of businesswomen, and businesswomen is balancing work and Ms. Tu Thu Hien,
but women who are not equipped with the family, especially in the context of Covid-19. Founder, Women’s Initiative for Startups and
Entrepreneurship (WISE)
digital tools and skills in business or to empower In 2020 and the beginning of 2021, with Covid-
The UNDP - UN Women rapid assess- the pandemic has disproportionally impacted virus and addressing the negative socio-
ment of Covid-19’s impact on vulnerable women. Their jobs and incomes have fallen economic impact, we would like to further
households and enterprises, conducted dur- in heavily-affected sectors such as garments recommend the importance of the following:
ing April and May of 2020 in Vietnam, as and footwear, education, healthcare, tourism, First, maintaining the focus on accelerating
well as UNDP-supported assessments of and related services where female workers and sustaining progress towards achieving
Covid-19’s socio-economic impact in many dominate, temporarily pushing many into the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),
other countries in the region, shows that poverty or deeper into poverty. The recent gender equality, and “Leaving No One
UNDP Human Development Index Updates Behind”. Second, recognizing that the Covid-
for 2020 estimate that for the first-time 19 pandemic is a health crisis with serious
since the index was introduced 30 years and far-reaching socio-economic conse-
ago, poverty has been increasing globally. quences. Third, considering that the impor-
Women-led household, micro, and small tance of problems includes reforming the
businesses, especially in the informal sector, social protection system away from a heavy
and female migrant workers have been reliance on self-insurance and ad-hoc relief
among the hardest hit. Women’s pre-pan- programs to a more inclusive and shock-
demic burden of household work and care responsive system. Fourth, in recognizing
of children, the elderly, and family members the disproportionate impact of Covid-19 on
with illnesses, as well as gender-based vio- women and women-led businesses, it is
lence, have been exacerbated by the pan- crucial that gender equality is mainstreamed
demic and associated social distancing, in responses and places women’s economic
school closures, and quarantine measures. empowerment at the center of recovery
Ms. Caitlin Wiesen, While highly commending the impressive action. Fifth, the top priority must be to
UNDP Resident Representative in Vietnam commitments and timely action of ASEAN assist women and men and communities
countries in containing the spread of the vulnerable to extreme poverty. %
The impact of the pandemic has pre- my opinion, the government has begun to women-owned businesses and women’s con-
sented significant challenges for the pay more attention to supporting women in tributions to business development to support
transport industry and also for LOGIVAN, so starting a business and there are many more women’s participation in socio-economic
we had to revise our goals for 2020 downwards. programs in place. However, according to development. %
We also focused on human resources to certain data, female-owned businesses account
improve the algorithm and provide more con- for a quarter of all businesses in Vietnam, but
venient features to users, as well as on the the resources to support their development
transportation of goods and consumer products are not the equal of other sectors. Therefore,
to ensure there were no shortages. As Covid- I recommend the government introduce poli-
19 remains a major issue, the LOGIVAN team cies to support women-owned enterprises.
and myself came up with a range of policies, First, implementing policies to create easier
including continuing to develop technology conditions for women-owned businesses to
to create more utilities and increase user- borrow money from the government. Second,
friendliness, focusing on expanding the cus- strengthening the role of Women’s Entrepre-
tomer base and exploiting the transportation neur Associations / Women’s Entrepreneur
needs of domestic enterprises. Priority has Clubs. Third, educating the younger generation
been given to supporting businesses in con- about the role of female entrepreneurs as well Ms. Pham Khanh Linh,
sumer goods and foodstuffs, to ensure their as attitudes towards burden-sharing. And CEO, LOGIVAN
necessities reach all parts of the country. In fourth, recognizing the contributions of