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           Businesses around the world are engaged  formation, such as being diligent and detail-  Meanwhile, in order to support women-
         in  digital  transformation  efforts,  including  oriented.  “Women  are  also  more  likely  to  owned small and medium-sized enterprises
         many women-owned concerns like Be Group  empathize with customers, businesses, service  (SMEs) in the future, the VWEC has proposed
         and Grab. According to Ms. Nguyen Thi My  providers, and employees, and I always pay  that  the  government  issue  specific  policies
         Hanh, Country Head of Global Liquidity and  attention  to  the  needs  of  customers  and  and programs to create the environment and
         Cash Management at HSBC Vietnam, emerg-  drivers and respond in the best way possible,”  favorable conditions for their digital trans-
         ing trends, supported by government direc-  she added. “Be Group has built up its own  formation when promoting the building of
         tions, have laid down a strong foundation for  strengths in technology, and my responsibility  an  e-government,  a  digital  society,  and  a
         digital transformation in Vietnam to pick up  is to turn those advantages into products that  digital economy featuring transparency and
         the pace in the years to come. “Because new  customers expect and successfully compete  equality. The government also needs to intro-
         technologies are changing consumer behavior  in the market.”           duce specific programs and solutions to sup-
         and shaping their expectations, this evolution  Ms.  Van,  meanwhile,  said  there  is  still  port  women-owned  SMEs  in  digital  trans-
         requires corporates continually innovate to  both conscious and unconscious gender biases  formation efforts, such as training on digital
         meet ever-growing demands,” she said.   that stymie women’s growth both personally  skills  and  providing  them  with  free  digital
                                             and professionally, but it is encouraging to  technology platforms. It is also important to
         Advantages in transforming          see  that  the  roles  of  women  in  leadership  encourage the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce
           Women-owned businesses possess many  have become more prominent, with a growing  and Industry (VCCI) and similar associations
         of the conditions necessary for digital trans-  number of women running successful busi-  to take advantage of domestic and international
         formation. According to the VWEC, Vietnam  nesses. “At Grab, diversity and inclusion are  resources  to  support  women-owned  SMEs
         has built a relatively complete legal framework  part of our core values, so we don’t let gender  in  digital  transformation  and  participation
         for promoting the task. The Prime Minister  and cultural differences get in the way and  in global value chains. Finally, there should
         issued  Decision  No.  749/QD-TTg  last  June  give everyone an equal chance to join Grab  be policies on tax support for digital businesses
         approving the National Digital Transformation  and  contribute  to  our  mission  of  driving  in the first five years of operations. “I hope
         Program to 2025 with orientations towards  Southeast  Asia  and  Vietnam  forward,”  she  that with guidance from the government, the
         2030, to realize the diverse goals of developing  added. “For those women who are striving  support of VCCI and other business associa-
         digital government, a digital economy, and a  for success, occasionally you may feel social  tions,  together  with  their  own  efforts  and
         digital society. There are also legal documents  pressure  that  men  may  not.  Yes,  you  may  determination, that businesswomen will not
         regulating and guiding areas relating to digital  have  it  harder,  but  that  will  make  success  be  ‘left  behind’  in  the  digital  economy,”
         transformation,  such  as  e-government,  e-  even more satisfying.”   Ms. Minh said.  %
         commerce, non-cash payments, the sharing
         economy,  artificial  intelligence  (AI),  smart  Overcoming obstacles
         city development, information safety, and net-  Though  there  are  many  advantages  in
         work security. “This is an important foundation  transforming  digitally,  it  is  nonetheless  a
         for conducting activities to promote digital  tough and challenging task that requires busi-
         transformation in Vietnam,” Ms. Minh said.   nesses maintain their nerve. “Digital trans-
           She added that Vietnam is viewed as having  formation forces businesswomen to change
         posted sound digital economic development  their  outlook  and  business  thinking,”  said
         within ASEAN, with good telecommunications  Ms. Minh. “Social distancing caused by Covid-
         and information technology infrastructure.  19  was  also  a  time  when  many  businesses
         The  Vietnam  Digital  2021  report  from  We  slowed  down,  repositioned  themselves,
         are  social  and  Hootsuite  showed  that  70.3  restructured  markets,  redefined  business
         per cent of Vietnam’s population are internet  plans, considered and selected new technology,
         users and 72 million of its 100 million people  and trained or retrained employees, to prepare
         use social networks. Mobile phone subscrip-  resources and identify a gradual transition
         tions total 154.4 million.          roadmap that suited the company’s circum-
           The appearance of Covid-19 gave the digital  stances.”                 Women-owned businesses in Vietnam have
         transformation process a big push forward,  Ms.  Phuong  said  that  in  the  context  of  made great contributions to job creation and
         with  the  physical  economy  shifting  faster  digital transformation, the greatest challenge  GDP and introduced a host of initiatives, tak-
         towards the digital economy. “Digital trans-  is  satisfying  the  needs  of  Vietnamese  con-  ing the lead in activities to support the com-
                                                                                  munity and fulfilling their social responsibil-
         formation brings major benefits to Vietnam’s  sumers, which will help Be become an integral  ity. The growth in the number of Vietnamese
         business community in general and women-  part of people’s daily lives.  businesswomen over recent years demon-
         owned businesses in particular, such as facil-  Given the challenges, according to Ms.  strates the government’s efforts and deter-
                                                                                  mination in improving the business and
         itating  commercial  transactions,  reaching  Tran Thi Hong Minh, Director of the Central  investment environment and facilitating
         more customers, shortening geographical dis-  Institute for Economic Management at the  Vietnamese startups and developing busi-
         tances and time, and reducing costs such as  Ministry  of  Planning  and  Investment,  a  nesses, especially SMEs and women-owned
         operating costs, warehousing costs, site rentals,  range of policies are needed to develop busi-  enterprises. Digital transformation is not
                                                                                  just a trend; it is becoming a development
         and  labor  costs,  which  result  in  increased  nesses and especially women-owned busi-  reality for economies around the world,
         profits for businesses,” she went on. “A devel-  nesses.  There  are  now  200,000  women-  including Vietnam. Businesses in general and
         oped digital economy and digital society will  owned businesses in Vietnam and over half  women-owned businesses in particular pos-
                                                                                  sess many favorable conditions for rapid
         contribute to creating a more favorable and  of the 5 million business households in the  digital transformation.
         transparent business environment for busi-  country  are  women-owned,  so  women
         nesses, including women-owned businesses.”  clearly play an important role in economic  MS. NGUYEN THI TUYET MINH,
           As a female leader, Ms. Phuong said that  development.  Training  them  to  be  fully  Chairwoman of the Vietnam Women En-
                                                                                    trepreneurs Council (VWEC)
         women hold certain advantages that can help  capable of applying information technology
         their business find success in digital trans-  is of the utmost importance.

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