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         Capable women                       we would indeed place more focus on helping
           Women around the country continue to  our  portfolio  companies  adapt  to  the  rap-  SOUTHEAST ASIAN COUNTRIES WITH HIGHEST
                                                                                 RATIO OF WOMEN BUSINESS OWNERSHIP
         make  admirable  progress  in  the  business  idly-evolving reality and think ahead in times  2020
         world, as Vietnam, along with Thailand and  of greater uncertainty.”
         the Philippines (as the only three Southeast  In a world influenced by VUCA (volatility,      Philippines
         Asian countries) ranked ninth, sixth, and sec-  uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity), any
         ond,  respectively,  in  the  MIWE  report’s  business that wants to survive and grow will  Vietnam
         Women’s  Advancement  Outcome  category,  need a DNA marked by high adaptability and
         which  measures  women’s  progress  and  the  endless creativity to secure breakthroughs.  Singapore
         degree of marginalization economically and  “MindX  will  keep  protecting  its  DNA  and
         professionally as business leaders, professionals,  promises  to  continue  our  efforts  to  create  Thailand
         entrepreneurs, and workforce participants.  high-value, flexible, highly convertible models,
           “The  pandemic  has  adversely  impacted  building a business culture in which every  Indonesia
         every individual, business, and economy,” said  employee has the ability to innovate and cre-
         Ms. Wong. “Yet women entrepreneurs have  ate,”  Ms.  Ha  said.  “This  road  will  be  long,  Malaysia
         shown their resilience by promptly adapting  arduous, and challenging, but the harder it
         to new and digital ways of working, reimagining  is, the more excited and ready we are to enter  Percentage of total business owners
         existing models, and tapping into new business  this new stage of society.”   Source: Mastercard, 2020
         opportunities.  Mastercard  is  committed  to
         supporting governments and financial insti-  Skills for success
         tutions to create initiatives and programs that  In Vietnam, Ms. Wong sees positive levels  members and key stakeholders are important.
         will empower women entrepreneurs to help  of inclusion and recognition of the important  Collaboration  and  working  alongside  these
         drive Vietnam’s economic recovery.”  role  women  play  in  society.  According  to  two groups will create an inclusive and coop-
           Along  with  the  Mastercard  Center  for  MIWE 2020, Vietnam has the second-highest  erative  environment  that  will  yield  better
         Inclusive Growth, Mastercard is cooperating  percentage of women-owned businesses (26.5  results. This new normal of relational leadership
         with CARE to provide both funds and expertise  per cent) in Southeast Asia. It also ranks an  is considered to have more feminine qualities,
         to 1,000 women microentrepreneurs in Hanoi  impressive 25th worldwide in female business  so  I  think  women  leaders  can  excel  in  this
         and Ho Chi Minh City to drive a robust recov-  ownership. “In my interactions with the busi-  and recover their business in the post-pandemic

                ery followed by sustained long-term inclusive  ness community here, I’ve come across several  period and lead it along the road to success.”
         growth. Just last month, to help small and  women leaders who have pivotal roles to play  Ms.  Vy  has  faced  the  same  pressure  as
         medium-sized  enterprises  (SMEs)  recover  in leading conglomerates and corporations,  other  business  leaders  during  these  trying

         from the pandemic and prepare for the future,  banks, SMEs, and the public sector,” she noted.  times,  as  the  fund  is  determining  how  to

         Mastercard launched the Digital Acceleration  However, the pandemic has raised ques-  ensure business performance while connecting

         for Small Businesses microsite across most  tions  about  whether  the  female  leadership  with staff and other stakeholders. In moments
         of its Asia-Pacific websites, with information  style  is  more  effective  than  the  traditional  of  frustration  and  discouragement,  the

         and resources on how to digitalize and run  autocratic male leadership style. In Ms. Teo’s  resilience of leaders allows them to reframe

         businesses more efficiently.          opinion, though, fewer people like top-down  the situation in a positive way and give strength

           The  pandemic  has  proven  women’s  leaders  these  days,  preferring  to  be  “taken  to the people around them, she believes. As
         strength and endurance in coping with adver-  care of” rather than “instructed”.   most things appear unpredictable in the near
         sity. Amid such an outbreak, a leader’s primary  “The key matter is around empathy, sen-  term, it is also imperative to act decisively,
         responsibility is to keep team members safe,  sitivity, warmth, and understanding,” she sug-  express a clear vision, and communicate well
         unified, and productive. Compassionate lead-  gested.  “Building  relationships  with  team  with employees and stakeholders. %
         ership results in greater productivity, better

         engagement,  and  improved  well-being  of
         team members. Leadership during the pan-
         demic aimed at ensuring safety for all team  THE MASTERCARD INDEX OF WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS 2020

         members, being compassionate and flexible,
         and possessing the ability to reorganize work-  New Zealand        Tracking the progress of women entrepreneurs
         loads  while  exceeding  clients’  expectations                    and business owners representing 80 per cent
         during what was a particularly difficult period,  1  Australia       of the world's female workforce across 58 economies,
                                                                            including 15 in the Asia Paci!c region.
         according to Ms. Teo from Grant Thornton.  2  Thailand
           “Do Ventures’ investment approach has       3   Chinese Taipei
         not been affected by the pandemic” Ms. Vy          4   Hong Kong (China)
         said.  “We  believe  that  the  ability  to  invest   5   Philippines
         early and make follow-on investments is crit-             6   Indonesia
         ical  to  our  portfolio  companies’  success.                7   China
         Therefore,  we  developed  a  comprehensive                       8   Singapore
         investment approach by investing in startups                          9   Vietnam
         throughout various stages, from Seed to Series                            10  Malaysia Japan
         B.  In  the  process,  we  aim  to  lead  the  seed                          11
         round investment, then make follow-on invest-                                     12  South Korea
         ments up to the B round, and at the same                                             13   India
         time invite other reputable investors to co-  Asia Paci!c Ranking                         14  Bangladesh
         invest  in  order  to  add  additional  value  for                                            15
         startups. Considering the current situation,  Source: Mastercard, 2020
                                                                                  MARCH 2021  | VIETNAM ECONOMIC TIMES | 15
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