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conducted online. “Technology is a funda-
mental resource of the Be Group in developing
Moving with products and services,” said General Director
Ms. Nguyen Hoang Phuong. “To maintain
and develop this resource, we set up a member
the times company, called beTech, which brings together
IT talent and trains and directs them to solve
technological problems.”
At Grab, meanwhile, when Covid-19 first
Women-owned businesses have been finding their
struck and with guidance from the govern-
own way to head towards digital transformation.
ment, it rolled out key initiatives such as con-
tactless delivery, which encourages customers
T NGOC LAN REPORTS to use cashless payments via Moca e-wallet
on the Grab app to reduce the risk of virus
transmission. As consumer needs changed
ietnam was one of the first countries nam,” Ms. Nguyen Thi Tuyet Minh, Chair- with the circumstances last year, it worked
in the world to issue a National Digital woman of the Vietnam Women Entrepreneurs to digitalize traditional vendors at wet markets,
V Transformation Program, putting it Council (VWEC), told VET. “Businesses in helping them head online and attract more
on an equal footing with more advanced general and women-owned businesses in customers, generating even more options for
economies. Within the framework of the 37th particular possess many of the conditions consumers and allowing drivers and deliv-
ASEAN Summit in 2020, ASEAN leaders, for necessary for rapid digital transformation.” ery-partners to earn more by delivering not
the first time, held a special session on the just food but also goods. “We expect our cus-
topic of empowering women in the era of General trend tomers will continue to embrace online pur-
digital transformation. Prime Minister Nguyen As a company based on technology and chasing even after the pandemic ends,” said
Xuan Phuc suggested that countries create a technological products, the Be Group digitized Ms. Nguyen Thai Hai Van, Managing Director
favorable environment for women to develop its processes and operations early in the game of Grab Vietnam. “We also aim to help more
their capacity to create, research, and apply and continually made adjustments and traditional and small businesses digitalize,
new technologies in entrepreneurship and upgrades suitable for each phase. Last year, playing our part in supporting Vietnam’s
seek employment and business opportunities. when Covid-19 first struck, it took advantage growing digital transformation. In the long
“Digital transformation is not just a trend; it of the time when service activities were sus- run, we hope to take traditional ecosystems
is becoming a development reality for pended to speed up its digitization, and 80 online and create a positive impact on Viet-
economies around the world, including Viet- per cent of its operations are now completely nam’s economy.”