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S                                                       COVER STORY
         ducing wind power has fallen dramatically
         across  the  globe,  by  reducing  the  cost  of  OFFSHORE WIND FORECAST
         equipment and the cost of capital.”
           He  believes  that  wind  power  developers
         are looking for government assistance to resolve
         long-standing issues regarding imbalances in
         PPAs, local regulatory barriers, and uncertain
         processes for land and licensing. That is par-
         ticularly true of offshore wind development,
         where the scale of investment is huge and the
         risk for investors must be moderated if Vietnam
         is to achieve its wind power goals.
           “Wind  power  in  Vietnam  is  still  in  its
         infancy and this reduction in future income
         from power plants may limit the market to
         those developers with access to very cheap
         capital and who have experience in the coun-
         try’s wind power market,” Mr. Smith empha-  Source: RCG’s Global Renewable Infrastructure Project
         sized. “That may block Vietnamese companies
         from entering the booming market and make
         international developers dominant.”   said. But it is also necessary to consider that  its twin goals of moderating greenhouse gas
           Meanwhile,  total  solar  power  capacity  current  implementation  cycles,  which  are  emissions and having secure, reliable power
         (including floating) put into operation as of  under discussion, are still too short for many  supply at a predictable cost.
         the end of 2020 totaled some 17GW, primarily  large-scale projects.       The  government,  Mr.  Smith  proposed,
         in southern and central highlands provinces.  Construction  and  commissioning  phases  must also look beyond the singular view of
         “Transmission grids lack the quality, especially  take time in Vietnam. Realistically, an onshore  large wind farms selling electricity to Electricity
         in Ninh Thuan and Binh Thuan provinces, to  wind  project  will  need  at  least  two  years  to  of Vietnam (EVN) and deliver on its promise
         accommodate the increasing number of solar  move from the investment licensing stage to  to allow power consumers direct access to
         power projects and reductions in construction  the COD, depending on the number of wind  clean  energy  through  the  delayed  “Direct
         time  due  to  advanced  technology,”  said  Dr.  turbines. Meanwhile, banks need a valid FiT  PPA Pilot Scheme” and to remove the heavy
         Oliver Massmann, General Director of Duane  and a bankable PPA. The FiT mechanism, there-  regulations  blocking  more  on-site  “Behind
         Morris. “As a result, most projects that have  fore, needs to be announced on time for project  the  Meter”  power  plants  that  sell  power
         come  into  operation  in  these  localities  are  investors to prepare, Mr. Wasnick suggested.  directly to large power consumers.
         subject to daily declines in generation capacity  Meanwhile, the GGSC and GWEC wrote  It is expected that the expansion of onshore
         to avoid overloading the regional grid.  to the government last year to call for a clear,  and nearshore wind projects will increase sig-
                                             long-term commitment to buy wind-powered  nificantly, and the manufacturers of wind tur-
         Solutions proposed                  electricity  that  would  allow  developers  to  bines have reported incoming orders amounting
           Since Covid-19 remains a threat globally  invest the necessary billions of dollars with  to around 2.3GW. Mr. Wasnick, though, said
         and Vietnam is dependent upon international  confidence that Vietnam is a strong and com-  that whether these projects reach the financial
         supply  chains,  projects  that  already  have  a  mitted partner in clean energy. If developers  closing on time and are delivered, commis-
         PPA  should  be  given  more  time  to  secure  see reasonable treatment and support from  sioned,  and  put  into  operation  on  time  is
         financing and be subject to some flexibility  MoIT, onshore and offshore wind could make  difficult to predict. Logistical bottlenecks are
         with regard to planned CODs, Mr. Wasnick  a huge contribution to the country meeting  to be expected, which could lead to delays. %


                                                                       Forecast reduction   4,500   8,500
          9,000                                               Forecast   of 25% annually until
                                                             reduction of   2025
                      Cumulative installations  2,900 MW is upper   60-80% in
          8,000                                case for 2021; delayed   2023
                      New installations
          7,000                                 projects likely to slip                     4,240
                                                  into 2022
                      Targeted volume
                      Likely delayed or cancelled volume
                                                                       390    190    4,000
          4,000                                                 520
                                        2,900          1,300
                                                1,300                                3,740
                          330    800
          1,000    470                          2,600
                  2020e  Shortall   PDP 7   Pipeline of   2021e  2022e  2023e  2024e  2025e  2025e  Shortfall   Preliminary
                         of PDP   Target   projects                                          of PDP   PDP 8
                         7 Target  for 2020  with signed                                    8 Target  Target
                                       PPAs for                                                    for 2025
                                       COD 2021
         Source: GWEC, 2020
                                                                                  MARCH 2021  | VIETNAM ECONOMIC TIMES | 27
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