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         and Nextrans from South Korea. According  When communities put healthcare first  health-tech, so that startups can access more
         to the startup, it has posted revenue growth  and demand safe, fast, and personalized serv-  opportunities.
         of nearly 100 per cent despite having diffi-  ices, health-tech startups like eDoctor, Doctor
         culties in providing certain services during  Anywhere, and Medici can expand and call  Moving ahead
         the Covid-19 outbreak. It has cooperated with  for investment. Vietnam and its population  The number of startups in Vietnam’s health-
         some 400 doctors, 500 nurses, and 80 clinics  of 100 million is entering a period of “popu-  care field remains quite modest, representing
         and hospitals around the country to provide  lation aging”. Many analysts have said that  just under 2 per cent of the more than 4,000
         more  than  100,000  health  check-ups.  Mr.  its population characteristics and smartphone  such startups in Asia, according to BMI. Mr.
         Alain Huynh, Co-founder and CEO of eDoctor,  use  create  favorable  conditions  for  it  to  Hai said the healthcare sector is highly specific,
         told  VET  that  Covid-19  accelerated  digital  become a market of potential for new tech-  so it is important to limit errors. “Investing in
         transformation in the healthcare field. “We  nologies relating to telemedicine services.  healthcare  requires  that  any  individual  or
         now have the opportunity to better understand  According to the OECD, Southeast Asian  business have a methodical investment strategy,
         users and their needs, and we can then create  people’s spending on healthcare has increased  patience, and solid resources to continually
         products and services that meet those needs,”  dramatically  in  recent  years.  Five  ASEAN  improve and provide a complete service to
         he said. “The Ministry of Health (MoH) and  countries  -  Vietnam,  the  Philippines,  Sin-  customers,” he added. “Health-tech startups
         other  agencies  need  to  complete  the  legal  gapore, Thailand, and Indonesia - will see  are still in the ‘starting up’ phase, so will grow
         corridor, creating a favorable business envi-  total spending of $750 billion over the next  more in the years to come.”
         ronment for startups in the healthcare sector  five  years.  “Digital  transformation  in  the  Health-tech startups also face a number
         post-pandemic.”                     medical sector includes the comprehensive  of particular challenges, the biggest of which,
           Meanwhile, Doctor Anywhere, a Singa-  application of information technology, with  according to Mr. Huynh, remains a shortage
         porean  startup  offering  remote  medical  a special focus on modern digital technolo-  of human resources. “Startups in health-tech
         consultations, serves more than a million  gies, leading to positive changes in all medical  like  eDoctor  need  experts  in  very  specific
         users, including some Vietnamese. It has  activities,” Minister of Health Nguyen Thanh  fields,” he said. “Good doctors are key, as are
         raised $27 million in funding, as the pan-  Long told the Ehealth Vietnam Summit 2020  experts in public health, health policy, opera-
         demic fueled demand for telemedicine serv-  held in late 2020.         tions, and service management. They must
         ices.  Doctor  Anywhere  Vietnam  and  the  Figures from BMI, a leading London-based  be capable and have an established position
         Post and Telecommunication Insurance JSC  economic and financial research and evalua-  in society, but convincing such people to coop-
         (PTI) signed a strategic cooperation agree-  tion organization, show that healthcare spend-  erate with a startup can be problematic.”
         ment in late 2020 to provide accessible and  ing  in  Vietnam  is  forecast  to  reach  $22.7  Doctor Anywhere, meanwhile, is investing
         convenient healthcare to PTI’s customers.  billion this year, with a large market creating  in  technology,  people,  infrastructure,  and
         The insurer will become a key partner pro-  opportunities for startups. “Before the out-  service expansion. “Calling for capital remains
         moting Doctor Anywhere’s brand among a  break of Covid-19, Vietnam was one of the  a challenge for us,” Mr. Hai acknowledged.
         large number of Vietnamese, contributing  fastest-growing  economies  with  favorable  How to best reach customers is also an
         to its target of having 100,000 users in the  digitalization conditions,” said Mr. Hai. “The  issue. Mr. Ngo Thanh Son, Deputy General
         country this year. Mr. Le Ngoc Hai, Man-  pandemic allowed us to see the digital advan-  Director  of  medical  technology  group  the
         aging Director of Doctor Anywhere Vietnam,  tages, in which businesses also need to seize  VMED Group, told local media that the most
         told VET they had transformed from being  the opportunities to select strategies in their  difficult matter is changing old habits. “There
         a  health-tech  startup  in  2019  to  a  digital  operations that address people’s needs.”  are 150 million medical examinations con-
         health  ecosystem  as  of  the  end  of  2020,  The MoH launched a grassroots healthcare  ducted every year in Vietnam, and changing
         providing  remote  medical  consultations,  information management app, a social network,  behavior is extremely difficult.”
         e-document systems, and personal medical  and an individual healthcare record platform  Similarly,  Mr.  Hai  noted  that  after  two
         services, among others. “Covid-19 has helped  during  the  Ehealth  Vietnam  Summit  2020.  years in Vietnam’s healthcare market, Doctor
         people  view  healthcare  more  clearly,  and  This first social network in the sector aims to  Anywhere in particular and health-tech start-
         many people have now become accustomed  boost  links  and  sharing  and  support  the  ups in general still face problems persuading
         to using information technology for health-  training of more than 500,000 medical staff  people  to  access  medical  services  on  their
         care purposes.”                     around the country. “Digital transformation  smartphone. “I think it will take a while for
           Vietnamese  health-tech  startup  Medici  in the medical sector includes the compre-  this to change,” he said.  %
         was one of 13 startups selected to participate  hensive  applica-
         in  the  Grab  Ventures  Ignite  (GVI)  season  tion  of  informa-
         one startup acceleration program in 2020.  tion  technology,
         Established in 2019, it has won over a large  with  a  special
         number of users in providing online health  focus on modern
         consultations via video call or chat. “We pro-  digital  technolo-
         vide services to customers in new rural areas  gies,  leading  to  a
         and urban areas, so that more people have  positive change in
         the  opportunity  to  enjoy  fast,  convenient,  all medical activi-
         and economical services,” Mr. Ngo Duc Anh,  ties,”   Minister
         Co-founder and CEO of Medici, was quoted  Long  told  the
         as saying. “Customers are ready to welcome  Summit. Accord-
         new technologies on mobile platforms and  ing to analysts, the
         pay more attention to healthcare after Covid-  government  has
         19. This is reflected in the response of the  also made efforts
         user community as well as businesses to our  to demonstrate the
         telemedicine and healthcare solution.”  importance   of

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