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         shelve their old business model and adopt a  made strategic investments in technology in
         new one. One of the greatest difficulties is  the past can adapt quickly, not only surviving
         converting  people,  changing  old  ways  of  the pandemic but also picking up market share
         thinking, and working that are ingrained in  from  struggling  competitors  that  had  done
         their minds. My colleagues at FPT and I have  little or nothing in terms of digital transforma-
         helped our clients change their thinking and  tion. The five to ten-year digital transformation
         working  habits  in  the  digital  environment  plans of many multinational corporations have
         and proved to employees at many enterprises  been shortened to two to three years, making
         that they will not lose their jobs because of  digital transformation the top priority.
         digital transformation, and that it will actually
         help  them  improve  their  productivity  and  % The digital economy is considered a rare
         increase their salaries.            opportunity for Vietnam to accelerate into
           In digital society and digital government,  a new stage of development. What are your
         with  FPT’s  deep  understanding  and  more  thoughts on this?
         than 20 years of experience in implementing  I believe that the development of the digital
         important  national  technology  systems,  it  economy will bring about a comprehensive
         continues to stand side-by-side with the gov-  change in all matters in society and give a
         ernment, ministries, and localities, providing  solid boost to Vietnam’s economic growth.
         strategic direction and digital transformation  The country’s digital economy has made great
         programs in regards to finance and banking,  strides forward in recent years, making it the
         health,  and  education,  thereby  promoting  second fastest-growing country in Southeast
         the country’s digital transformation and bring-  Asia in this regard. In order to further promote
         ing new values to each citizen.     the development of the digital economy, we
                                             need solutions that support the digital trans-
         % For some local companies, the concept of  formation of organizations and enterprises,
         digital transformation is still blurred. What  identify solutions to share and use data ware-  I believe that the
         should businesses do so that digital trans-  houses,  and  train  key  human  resources  to  development of the
         formation is not just a slogan that is easy to  actively participate in the process.
         talk about but hard to make happen?                                      digital economy will bring
           Let me tell you two stories.      % What are Vietnam’s strengths and weak-  about a comprehensive
           Home Credit was under a lot of pressure  nesses in digital transformation compared  change in all matters
         from its customer service department receiving  to other economies?
         thousands of calls a day. Based on the FPT.AI  Vietnam’s position in the information tech-  in society and give a
         artificial intelligence (AI) platform, FPT and  nology  (IT)  market  is  excellent.  Fueled  by  solid boost to Vietnam’s
         Home  Credit  created  a  “virtual  employee”  stable  socio-economic  factors,  Vietnamese  economic growth.”
         on  the  switchboard,  automatically  making  people are fully capable of advancing their
         20,000 calls a day and significantly saving on  technological capabilities thanks to the coun-  MR. NGUYEN VAN KHOA,
         cost and resources.                 try’s traditional love of mathematics and their  FPT CEO
           The second story is actually about FPT.  ability to learn quickly.
         Thanks to the Core AI Engine platform, we  It is a source of pride that many “hot” tech-
         were  able  to  clearly  identify  the  skills  and  nology trends from around the world, such as
         abilities of every technician and coordinated  AI, Big Data, Cloud, and RPA, are being thor-  % What are FPT’s plans and goals for this
         a team of 6,500 technicians to help customers  oughly  researched  and  applied  in  Vietnam.  year, especially as its competitiveness and
         quickly and conveniently. After 12 months,  There is currently a community of more than  the  competitiveness  of  Vietnam  in  the
         $2.8 million in operations and personnel costs  58,000 digital businesses, and the willingness  global playground have changed?
         were  saved,  with  workplace  productivity  of the business community to transform digitally  We have ambitious plans. Over the course
         rising 27.6 per cent and a better service expe-  and the government’s policy of creating favor-  of this decade, FPT targets entering the Top
         rience provided to customers.       able conditions for this to happen are strengths  50 global enterprises in digital transformation
           So, if a business can identify what “pain  in promoting the digital economy.  services. In the domestic market, we will be
         point” needs to be prioritized for resolving                           a pioneer in leading the digital transformation
         problems in operations, sales, or connecting  % What  policy  recommendations  would  process  to  bring  different  values  to  people
         with  customers,  they  will  know  where  to  you  make  to  the  government  to  support  and businesses.
         begin  their  digital  transformation  journey  the business community?   To  achieve  this  goal,  we  will  focus  on
         and take it beyond just a slogan.     Vietnam’s spending on IT is just 0.3-0.4  human resources development by enhancing
           Ironically, Covid-19 prompted nearly every  per cent of GDP, while the average in ASEAN  our  consulting  capacity,  rejuvenating  our
         business to speed up digital transformation  is 1.3-1.5 per cent. The country should have  teams,  developing  high-quality  human
         to ensure operations continued amid sudden  a budget plan for IT in general and digital  resources, investing in core technologies from
         breakdowns in supply chains and production.  transformation in particular, increasing spend-  Industry 4.0, such as AI, Big Data, and Cloud,
         According to a survey conducted by the Viet-  ing on IT and helping promote national digital  and  developing  platform  ecosystems  and
         nam  Chamber  of  Commerce  and  Industry  transformation. At the same time, we expect  world-class “Made by FPT” solutions. At the
         (VCCI), an additional 36 per cent of enterprises  there  to  be  no  discrimination  between  the  same time, we will focus on creating a digital
         digitally transformed or intend to apply digital  public and private sector or large and small  platform in key national socio-economic fields
         technology to their production and business  enterprises when it comes to providing the  that bring practical benefits to people, organ-
         activities because of Covid-19.     opportunity  to  implement  national  digital  izations, and the business community, regard-
           In these uncertain times, businesses that  transformation projects.  less of type, scale, or field. %

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