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Shepherding the dash customers to identify innovative strategies
and secure project contracts. In terms of
resources, we continually reinforce our internal
towards transformation links to utilize our strengths, increase cross-
selling, and design new solutions to meet
customer needs, using our own human
FPT CEO Mr. Nguyen Van Khoa spoke with VET’s Ha Thang about digital resources and not outsourcing.
transformation and the corporation’s role in driving it forward.
% You refer to 2020 as a “wartime”. As FPT
is one of the leading tech companies in
Vietnam, what did it do to support Vietnam’s
business community during the “war”?
% 2020 was not only marked by the Covid- akaBot - a solution for automating business In this “wartime” we have done something
19 pandemic but also by a greater shi#t processes, which is in the top 6 robotic process quite important: creating alliances and syn-
towards digital transformation. As the CEO automation (RPA) solutions globally. In Viet- ergies for the business community. I per-
of a major tech corporation expected to lead nam, many leading enterprises in the fields sonally have led digital transformation proj-
the way in digital transformation in Vietnam, of fisheries, tourism, telecommunications, ects for important organizations and major
do you view 2020 as being a year of oppor- manufacturing, real estate, and others view corporations in the fisheries, real estate,
tunities or challenges? What did FPT do to FPT as a trustworthy consultant in their telecommunications, energy, tourism, and
adapt and respond to these twin impacts? digital transformation process. aviation sectors.
Covid-19 created an unprecedented push To achieve its success, FPT determined Many businesses in Vietnam had attempted
towards digital transformation at many organ- that there is always the possibility of risk, digital transformation before but weren’t suc-
izations and corporations. We have quickly and quickly transformed all of our activities cessful, so our consultants made a difference
used this change to shift and empower our from a “peacetime” to a “wartime” stance, this time. With experience and lessons in
company globally. While FPT’s revenue growth with leadership’s role changing from “man- digital transformation acquired globally, we
is still in the double digits, many well-known agement” to “commanding”. To quickly adapt were able to identify why their previous efforts
tech companies around the world, such as to the economic turmoil and seize upon the had failed and what their weaknesses and
TCS and Wipro, have posted negative growth. opportunities presented, our decision-making challenges are, which too few enterprises fully
Over the last year, FPT has become a priority is reconsidered daily or even hourly. We set study in terms of management, operations,
strategic partner, consultant, or implementing two priorities: the preservation of our finances, manufacturing, and sales. We also designed
partner in digital transformation contracts and quickly adapting, seeking, and seizing customer experience services so our clients
with major corporations in the US, Japan, new opportunities for breakthroughs post- can prepare for the next five to ten years.
and Malaysia worth over $100 million, with pandemic. We are always flexible and creative There are countless barriers in digital
deals lasting over the next three years. FPT in interacting with our partners and customers transformation that organizations and busi-
has won global recognition for its solutions and constantly research and gain a better nesses must address, such as their corporate
and digital transformation services such as understanding of new behavior among global culture and transparency or the need to