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                                                                                 teams,  or  trucks,  but  rather  links  available
                                                                                 resources  to  serve  actual  needs,  including
                                                                                 manufacturers,  distributors,  grocery  stores,
                                                                                 and consumers. In addition to tech solutions,
                                                                                 GT  Link  also  indirectly  helps  them  resolve
                                                                                 outstanding  problems  like  warehouse  man-
                                                                                 agement, inventory, sales teams, delivery, and
                                                                                 logistics, and provides an operations manage-
                                                                                 ment system to enhance the user experience.”
                                                                                   Meanwhile, another Vietnamese e-com-
                                                                                 merce B2B startup, Telio, was born to connect
                                                                                 micro-retailers with brands and distributors
                                                                                 on  a  centralized  platform.  Its  smartphone
                                                                                 app enables retailers to order products from
                                                                                 a  range  of  fast-moving  consumers  goods
                                                                                 (FMCG) brands and distributors, providing
                                                                                 affordable  pricing  and  an  efficient  supply
                                                                                 chain. The company is building a network of
                                                                                 warehouses to ensure 24-hour delivery and
                                                                                 is  assisting  shop  owners  to  better  manage
                                                                                 their cash flow and inventory management.
                                                                                   Telio is now empowering more than 12,000
                                                                              PHOTO: VIET TUAN
                                                                                 retailers in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City on a
                                                                                 monthly  basis.  “It  has  also  partnered  with
                                                                                 more than 80 international and local brands
         Tradition meets modernity                                               to help them with optimal distribution,” said
                                                                                 Telio  founder  Mr.  Bui  Sy  Phong.  “Trading
                                                                                 volumes and its customer base are growing
         Given the dominance of the traditional trade model, tech developers are  20 per cent each month. It is leveraging tech-
         competing to accelerate e-commerce for mom-and-pop grocery stores in    nology in order to bring greater efficiency,
         Vietnam’s retail market.                                                convenience, and transparency to the tradi-
                                                                                 tional distribution value chain.”
                                                                                 Revolutionizing tradition
                                                                                   Vietnam’s  retail  market  remains  frag-
              ocated  down  a  small  alley  on  Tran  City, the southern region, and the Red River  mented and dominated by bricks-and-mortar
              Xuan Soan Street in Ho Chi Minh City’s  Delta in the north.        shops and grocery stores. Traditional traders
         L District 7, the mom-and-pop shop of  “Our ‘weapon’ is to bring new technology  contribute about 70 per cent of FMCG sales
         Mr. Dang Van Thang and his wife sells sin-  to  change  the  habits  of  traditional  stores,”  in key urban areas and more than 95 per cent
         gle-use packets of daily consumables such as  said  Ms.  Truong  Quynh  Phuong,  Business  in rural areas, according to Kantar Wolrdpanel.
         shampoo,  coffee,  and  food  spices,  among  Development  Director  at  the  One  Mount  “Traditional  trade’s  value  share  has  been
         other items. “We’ve opened our doors from  Group, a member of Vingroup. “The VinShop  shrinking over the last few years, given the
         early morning until late every day for the last  app conveniently connects shop owners and  ongoing  expansion  of  modern  trade,  with
         ten years,” Mr. Thang said.         suppliers,  using  technology  to  break  down  emerging retail formats such as minimarts
           His business has now become a little easier  geographical barriers and offering solutions  and convenience stores, especially in urban
         to run compared to previous years after he  to resolve market bottlenecks, especially in  areas,” said Mr. Peter Christou, Commercial
         bought merchandise management software  distribution chains. It quickly became a bright  Director at Kantar Worldpanel Vietnam. “Tra-
         and started using apps to connect with suppliers  spot in Vietnam’s retail market, as the first-  ditional channels are still growing in terms
         and manufacturers. Many other grocery store  ever B2B2C model in the country.”  of value sales and have maintained positive
         owners have done likewise, adopting modern  Before  VinShop,  other  apps  had  been  performance, mainly driven by street shop
         technology to run their business, and this has  introduced to the market using similar tech-  formats like grocery stores or mom-and-pop
         gradually been changing Vietnam’s traditional  nology but with a few different utilities. Tech  shops, which account for over 50 per cent of
         retail landscape and triggered a new race in  project Bach Hoa Viet, which belongs to the  the  FMCG  retail  share  in  urban  key  cities
         tech development in the segment.    K-Group JSC, launched General Trade Link  and three-quarters in rural Vietnam.”
                                             (GT Link) in March last year, a multi-tasking  Despite  the  rapid  expansion  of  modern
         Rapid coverage                      distribution platform for products and services  trade  outlets  around  Vietnam,  traditional
           Vietnam’s largest conglomerate, Vingroup,  combining the online-to-offline (O2O) model  grocery retailers still have an important role
         launched a mobile app three months ago for  and part of the sharing economy model.  to play in the overall retail market and continue
         bricks-and-mortar  retail  outlets,  aiming  to  “This is the starting point of our goal for  to exhibit steady growth. Vietnam’s traditional
         digitize  a  traditional  business  upended  by  the  traditional  retail  market,”  said  Mr.  Vu  grocery  sales  grew  4  per  cent  in  2019  to
         modern  convenience  stores.  The  group  Trung Kien, Deputy CEO of K-Group. “Vietnam  $44.34 billion, according to a Deloitte report.
         announced that its VinShop app was being  has  over  40  million  smartphone  users,  4G  Vietnamese  shoppers  prefer  to  shop  at
         used by 65,000 small shops in 20 cities and  networks, and broad knowledge among people  local stores or street vendors but micro-retail-
         provinces around Vietnam as of the end of  about tech platforms. GT Link does not invest  ers  have  limited  supply  chain  visibility  for
         last year, primarily in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh  in  goods,  warehouses,  sales  staff,  delivery  product availability, pricing, and quality. Small

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