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         ($519 million) in 2020, or VND2.42 trillion                            only ‘game in town’ at the moment, so airlines
         ($104 million) lower than its previous pre-  We believe a combined     have  increased  their  capacity  to  compete,
         diction. “We believe a combined plan that  plan that includes          which also leads to oversupply.”
         includes  refinancing  loans  and  a  share  refinancing loans and a share  Airlines will have to continue to adjust their
         issuance  to  raise  capital  is  highly  feasible  issuance to raise capital is  business plans to be competitive. For example,
         and would provide timely support to busi-  highly feasible and would   during the closing months of 2020, a round-
         nesses given the serious impact of Covid-  provide timely support to   trip ticket on the Ho Chi Minh City - Hanoi
         19,” its representative said. “This would not                          route was from a mere VND900,000 ($39) to
         only help supplement insufficient cash flows  businesses given the serious  VND1.3 million ($56), including taxes and fees.
         but  also  enhance  the  carrier’s  financial  impact of covid-19.”     Carriers are also willing to offer free checked
         capacity, replenishing its business capital,                           luggage and many other value-added services
         ensuring  the  maintenance  of  operations,  Vietnam Airlines representative  to compete and bring in much-needed cash
         and creating investment sources for devel-                             flow. Low fares are what encourage passengers
         opment post-pandemic.”                                                 to fly, but present difficulties for airlines.
           Vietjet  Air  and  Bamboo  Airways  have
         also expressed a desire in recent times to                             Efforts by carriers
         access financial support. At a seminar held  ations, so it becomes a regular capital source  In order to survive and recover from the
         by the Vietnam Aviation Business Associa-  of the airline,” he added. “The rate of return  effects  of  the  pandemic,  Vietnam  Airlines
         tion (VABA) in December, Mr. Nguyen Khac  on the capital of Vietravel is always over 45-  has been implementing a host of solutions
         Hai, Deputy General Director of Bamboo  60 per cent. We are also interested in invest-  such as reorganizing operations in accordance
         Airways,  said  private  airlines  require  the  ment and financing capital from investors  with the narrow market size; thoroughly cut-
         same support being afforded to State airlines.  and financial institutions, and have signed  ting  costs;  restructuring  and  reorganizing
         “Bamboo Airways has asked the National  contracts with Vietcombank, BIDV, and Viet-  its workforce; negotiating extensions to loan
         Assembly and the government to consider  inbank on a credit limit of VND850 billion  repayment schedules; cease making unnec-
         the same support packages for private air-  ($36.7 million).”          essary investments; proactively seeking and
         lines as those approved for Vietnam Air-                               taking  advantage  of  every  opportunity  to
         lines,” he added. The pandemic has severely  Obstacles remain          increase revenue; and liquidating old aircraft
         affected  the  operations  of  all  carriers,  he  As the first airline to receive such support,  in its fleet. It has also set out a number of
         went on, and Bamboo Airways lost up to  the representative of Vietnam Airlines said  key  tasks  this  year  to  ensure  liquidity  and
         90 per cent of its business during its peak.  the government has created favorable con-  the  continuity  of  operations,  with  the  top
         Though  it  is  yet  to  disclose  its  business  ditions for the carrier and jointly reviewed  priority being the absolute safety of all flights,
         results  for  2020,  he  said  that  additional  plans and implemented solutions to overcome  passengers, staff, and the community. To cut
         costs for quarantining and pandemic pre-  the difficulties. “The disbursement of this  costs and improve efficiency, the carrier con-
         vention added to its losses. The government’s  capital source faces certain difficulties, how-  tinues to accelerate its digital transformation
         financial support is necessary for companies  ever, because there are still many adminis-  process and apply achievements from Industry
         to maintain cash flows, together with sup-  trative  procedures  to  be  completed,”  the  4.0 towards the goal of becoming a digital
         port policies such as tax breaks.   representative added. “Each stage requires  aviation corporation in the future. Thanks
           Vietjet, meanwhile, proposed a refinancing  careful research, planning, and review, and  to advantages in its fleet, it has the broadest
         loan  of  VND4  trillion  ($173  million),  with  must be reported to a range of authorities  flight network among Vietnamese airlines,
         preferential  rates  provided  to  the  aviation  for further review before a decision is made,  plying more than 60 domestic routes con-
         industry  over  a  three  to  five-year  period.  so accessing this support takes a lot of time  necting all 22 airports in the country, with
         Under its proposal, Vietjet would begin repay-  and effort.”            flexible timetables.
         ing principal and interest in the 2023-2025  Carriers also face many other challenges  Vietjet  Air  and  Bamboo  Airways  have
         period, while existing debt that matured in  on the road to recovery. International oper-  slowly  been  restoring  flights.  Meanwhile,
         2020 would be restructured to 2021, along  ations  have  been  significantly  limited  by  cabins  crews  on  certain  flights  of  Vietravel
         with a 3 per cent cut in interest rates. The  border closures, meaning they are all targeting  Airlines will introduce the culture and cuisine
         carrier estimates that given the existing con-  a bigger slice of the domestic market pie.   of the destination. In its first year, it expected
         ditions, the aviation industry will only fully  The total passenger numbers of Vietnamese  to operate from three to eight A321 aircraft
         recover in 2023 at the earliest. “Other domestic  carriers  reached  only  66  million  last  year,  and  add  to  its  fleet  as  required,  including
         airlines also want access to preferential loans  down 43.5 per cent against 2019, according  wide-body aircraft. The carrier plans to operate
         from the State over three to five years,” Vietjet  to  the  Civil  Aviation  Authority  of  Vietnam  more than 40 flights a week, focusing on the
         Vice President and CFO Ms. Ho Ngoc Yen  (CAAV). Flights as of the end of November  lucrative Ho Chi Minh City - Hanoi route and
         Phuong was quoted as saying.        totaled just 196,600, down 36.1 per cent year-  flights between certain cities and popular des-
           Notably, the aviation industry has recently  on-year. Though airlines have adopted plans  tinations such as Nha Trang and Phu Quoc
         welcomed the arrival of Vietravel Airlines,  to reconfigure aircraft and switch from pas-  Island. It has adopted a policy of using sec-
         a hybrid carrier belonging to Vietravel Hold-  sengers to cargo, cargo volumes totaled just  ondary airports, such as Chu Lai to serve Da
         ings. The company has committed to sup-  1.3 million tons, down 14.7 per cent. Amid  Nang, Quang Nam, and Quang Ngai, Van Don
         plementing capital for the airline to ensure  the pandemic, Vietnam Airlines said that 100  and Hai Phong for Quang Ninh, Hanoi, and
         that the minimum is no lower than VND700  of  its  106  aircraft  were  grounded  and  not  Hai  Phong,  and  Can  Tho  for  the  Mekong
         billion ($30.3 million). Mr. Nguyen Quoc Ky,  operating, while Bamboo Airways operated  Delta. “Vietnam had only five airlines but a
         Chairman  of  Vietravel  Airlines,  told  VET  only two of its 12 aircraft. “Covid-19 resulted  population of 100 million, so Vietravel Airlines
         that this capital is theoretically considered  in most carriers’ fleets sitting on the tarmac,  will be the sixth carrier to contribute to making
         a  short-term  capital  source,  or  temporary  while the arrival of a new airline made the  the  aviation  market  stronger  and  boosting
         capital. “However, it is regularly and stably  surplus worse,” the Vietnam Airlines’ repre-  the  ‘Vietnamese  airline’  brand  to  compete
         supplemented in Vietravel’s business oper-  sentative said. “The domestic market is the  with international airlines,” Mr. Ky said.  %

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