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                                                                                ects  in  areas  of  power  generation,  trans-
         A TIME TO BE SMART                                                     mission, and distribution, energy efficiency,
                                                                                and  transportation,  while  also  building  a
                                                                                skilled workforce.
         Dr. Pham Thai Lai, CEO of Siemens ASEAN and Vietnam, shares his
         thoughts with VET on the country’s economic and business landscape.    % In terms of digital and smart infrastructure,
                                                                                what can Siemens do to support Vietnam
                                                                                on this journey?
                                                                                   The adoption of digitalization opportunities
                                                                                will support the country to increase produc-
                                                                                tivity and quality as well as leapfrog to a faster
         %  What is your view of the prospects for                              industrialization process, thus increasing its
         Vietnam’s economy in 2021?                                             overall resilience and competitiveness.
           Vietnam has achieved impressive economic                                Digital and smart infrastructure, ranging
         growth  in  recent  years,  and  although  the                         from digital factories, highly efficient power
         country’s economy was heavily impacted in                              plants, smart grids, and smart buildings to
         2020 by Covid-19, I am confident it will be                             seamless mobility systems, are key levers to
         able  to  resume  its  growth  momentum  this                          strengthen  basic  infrastructure  and  at  the
         year and the years to come.                                            same time help drive efficiency and increase
           It is entering an exciting time, with many                           productivity. Siemens’ comprehensive Product
         growth opportunities brought by the imple-                             Lifecycle Management (PLM) portfolio helped
         mentation  of  the  Comprehensive  and  Pro-                           VinFast fulfill its vision of building the first
         gressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Part-                              “Made in Vietnam” motor vehicle in record
         nership (CPTPP) as well as the signing and                             time, whereas our efficient combined cycle
         ratification of the EU-Vietnam Trade Agree-                             power plants significantly contribute to mit-
         ment  (EVFTA)  and  the  Regional  Compre-                             igating CO2 emissions. Siemens Smart Grid
         hensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). These                             solutions  automate  and  stabilize  Vietnam’s
         agreements will be key drivers for trade pro-                          power  grid  and  help  cope  with  fluctuating
         motion, FDI attraction, job creation, and GDP                          energy sources such as wind or solar power.
         growth in Vietnam.                                                     Our main control center SCADA (Supervisor
           The enhancement of Vietnam’s position                                Control and Data Acquisition) DMS (Distri-
         and prestige in the international arena due                            bution Management System) in Ho Chi Minh
         to  the  government’s  substantial  efforts  to  small  and  medium-sized  enterprises,  face  City, which is equipped with Siemens’ most
         ensure a more open and transparent business  many difficulties, such as backwards tech-  advanced technology in the power distribution
         environment will certainly make the country  nology,  low  workplace  productivity,  poor  industry, is helping to remarkably improve
         more attractive to investors. I firmly believe  competitiveness,  inadequate  management  the efficiency and reliability of the distribution
         there  will  be  large  investment  flows  from  and leadership skills, and, especially, a lack  network  in  21  cities  and  provinces  in  the
         overseas into high-value projects in Vietnam.  of capital investment. They also have limited  southern region.
         This will enable it to become a hub for trade  knowledge about international business law  Smart Building technology will help achieve
         and investment activities in Southeast Asia.  and  international  integration,  as  well  as  the highest standards of environmental effi-
                                            limited  international  business  experience.  ciency and reduce energy demands. Siemens’
         % What are the greatest opportunities and  Other emerging challenges are a scarcity of  offerings on HVAC (heating, ventilation, air-
         challenges facing Vietnamese enterprises?  natural resources, which results in a pressing  conditioning,  and  room  automation),  and
           Its free trade agreements (FTAs) offer Viet-  need to find alternatives, while the require-  building  management  systems  help  create
         nam  major  advantages  in  terms  of  exports  ments for environmental protection and CO2  healthy, productive, and sustainable environ-
         and  at  the  same  time  help  to  diversify  its  emissions reductions have forced enterprises  ments and safe workplaces for people to live
         import markets. Not only can it gain benefits  to  invest  in  clean  and  green  technologies,  and  work  in.  All  of  these  solutions  have
         from  significant  tariff  reductions  but  also  which are often very costly.   already been deployed extensively in Vietnam,
         from  having  ample  opportunities  to  access                         with German House being our most prominent
         and expand into new markets worldwide.  % What should Vietnam do to achieve more  example in terms of energy efficiency, comfort,
           Vietnam’s deep global integration has also  sustainable  growth,  increase  its  national  and sustainability.
         enabled  the  local  business  community  to  competitiveness, and be well prepared for  Smart Mobility solutions also increase the
         access new state-of-the-art technologies and  upcoming challenges?     availability of infrastructure, optimize through-
         to expand their business relationships inter-  In my opinion, Vietnam needs to focus  put, and create a new quality of passenger
         nationally. For example, the FPT Group has  on these three basic factors: establishing a  experience through digitalization. In Vietnam,
         been selected as Siemens’ global partner for  stable legal framework to support business,  we are working with the Ministry of Transport
         MindSphere - a cloud-based, open IoT oper-  developing a highly-skilled workforce, and  and different city governments to make trans-
         ating system from Siemens.          improving basic infrastructure. In particular,  portation  more  efficient  by  implementing
           However, competitive pressure will cer-  Vietnam has to develop a “Smart Infrastruc-  intelligent traffic lights and traffic management
         tainly be intensified, and one of the biggest  ture Roadmap” in order to build the country’s  systems to regulate the flow of traffic.
         challenges for Vietnam is from the stagnation  sustainable future over the years and decades  Last but not least, we have been working
         of the local enterprise system. Their adapt-  to come. Such a roadmap will need to take  closely  with  the  Ministry  of  Industry  and
         ability  to  a  market  economy  is  generally  a holistic view of all vital development areas  Trade since 2019 to develop a smart infra-
         weak.  Vietnamese  enterprises,  especially  in the country, including infrastructure proj-  structure roadmap for Vietnam.  %

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