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             One significant way that Covid-19 has  factor in our business strategy. We also see
             changed the face of recruitment is by  there  is  an  opportunity  for  the  local  talent
         opening up a global talent pool in ways that  market to develop into one with more high-
         haven’t been fully explored. Many organiza-  achieving  capabilities,  due  to  the  current
         tions, through migration to work-from-home  restrictions on the movement of expatriates
         practices, have identified aspects of their work  and  migrant  workers.  At  Bosch,  we  foster
         that can be done quite effectively in a remote  digital  training  programs  for  all  associates,
         setting. In making that realization, organiza-  from managerial roles to professional staff.
         tions have opened up potential new ways of  We also implement a number of leadership
         accessing talent. It is, however, worth noting  and cultural initiatives that help our associates
         that for Bosch, as a technology player at the  enhance their leadership competencies, inter-  Ms. Tran Thi Thu Tham,
         forefront of the market, people’s digital com-  national exposure, and involvement in regional  Head of Human Resources, Bosch Vietnam
         petencies  have  already  been  an  important  and global transformation projects. %

             2020  was  a  challenging  year  for  all  unprecedented  destruction  in  many  ways.  successful. Banking and finance are service
             countries,  including  Vietnam,  after  During social distancing around the country  sectors and also the backbone of the economy,
         Covid-19  suddenly  attacked  and  wreaked  in April, HSBC was successful in having over  so ensuring business continuity is essential.
                                             90 per cent of its staff work from home, while  During Covid, investment in infrastructure,
                                             the quality of operations was fully ensured.  cybersecurity, upgrading systems, and people
                                             All of our meetings with clients were con-  upskilling were key factors in success. Accord-
                                             ducted via Zoom. After this period of working  ing to the World Economic Forum’s Future
                                             from home, we proactively managed the tran-  of Jobs Report 2020, 50 per cent of employees
                                             sition to a new way of working to ensure our  will need reskilling by 2025 as technological
                                             people’s well-being by applying flexible work-  development  has  become  more  and  more
                                             ing arrangements. Our investment continued  inevitable.  Among  that,  skills  in  self-man-
                                             to  support  the  new  way  of  working  and  agement such as active learning, resilience,
                                             accordingly  went  to  technology  and  tools  stress  tolerance,  and  flexibility  are  newly-
                                             that helped our staff implement flexible work  emerging  in  the  workforce.  Reskilling  in
           Ms. Tran Thi Nguyet Oanh,         practices. We’ve also invested in training and  human resources has been predicted for some
           Country Head of Human Resources,   equipping new and relevant skills to ensure  years, and Covid-19 has accelerated that trans-
           HSBC Vietnam
                                             that the transition to a new way of working is  formation. %

             In 2020, due to the impact of Covid-19,  agement and employees and between employ-  food and nutrition company, we will always
             the business community in general and  ees and the company. The company not only  apply optimal personnel policies and ensure
         Nestlé in particular faced a range of unprece-  did not cut staff, it also increased salaries and  our employees’ safety, health, and welfare.  %
         dented difficulties in business and production.  rewarded  employees  as  committed.  Nestlé
         Therefore, it is more important than ever to  Vietnam’s production therefore not only met
         focus on human resource development policies  the food and nutritional needs of the domestic
         and care for employees. We have applied max-  market but also turned the challenge of Covid-
         imum safety measures in the workplace, to  19 into an opportunity to boost exports, sup-
         protect employees, applied a work from home  porting product sourcing for overseas markets,
         policy  for  certain  positions,  and  optimized  increasing  employment  for  our  employees,
         digital platforms to connect with and support  and adding value to Vietnam’s exports. In my
         employees during the social distancing period.  opinion, Vietnam’s human resources market
         The  online  workspace  has  been  developed  this year will pose certain challenges for Nestlé  Ms. Truong Bich Dao,
         and  fully  exploited  to  support  meetings,  Vietnam, such as competition in recruitment.  Human Resources Manager, Nestlé Vietnam
         training programs, and links between man-  However, with the strength of being a reputable

                                                 The  pandemic-induced  impacts  have  forward.  Hence,  the  recruitment  market
                                                 been  massive  and  unprecedented  for  improved significantly in the last quarter of
                                             the economy and vary according to the nature  2020,  driving  up  demand  for  experienced
                                             of businesses. Most organizations undertook  employees in highly-skilled positions, such
                                             proactive Business Planning Continuity once  as  digital,  technology,  and  e-commerce.
                                             Covid-19  emerged.  Key  actions  focused  on  Despite  the  rollout  of  vaccines  now  being
                                             hiring  freezes  and  maintaining  operations  seen in some countries, the road to recovery
                                             with existing resources. When entering the  remains challenging. Vietnam’s economy has
                                             “new normal”, despite massive layoffs in some  been significantly affected by Covid-19, and
                                             industries, the labor market has shown signs  many of these effects will be felt for years. As
                                             of rapid recovery. The government’s effective  we  embrace  the  uncertainties  and  risks  in
           Ms. Pham Thi Hong Anh,            pandemic containment measures helped sta-  the years ahead, we continue to explore new
           Deputy General Director, Talent Lead,  bilize the economy, encouraging employers  ways to minimize the impact on our people
           EY Vietnam
                                             and employees to be more positive in moving  and our business. %

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