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         and requirements,” Mr. Levan told VET. “We  hiring  and  recruiting  from  overseas,  many  life balance, and brought employees together
         need our senior-level staff to be able to quickly  have used this as an opportunity for capacity  towards  the  common  goal  of  sustainable
         adapt to any change. Only flexible individuals  scanning  and  identifying  middle  managers  development, for the company and for the
         can co-develop in a volatile world and quickly  that  can  be  trained  and  upskilled  towards  community. “Though the pandemic presented
         adapt to the culture and team at a new com-  senior management.        issues to the industry, we took it as an oppor-
         pany. It is important to find candidates with  During Covid-19, the local business sector  tunity for URC Vietnam to find the most tal-
         good social leadership skills who can quickly  faced a host of crises in terms of financial health  ented people for our operations to continue
         connect  with  other  team  members.  People  and simply doing business. Ms. Cap Thi Minh  and excel in the future,” Mr. Levan said.
         often find it stressful to deal with new team  Trang, HR Director at Schneider Electric Vietnam  The company’s strategy during the pan-
         members, especially when social distancing  and Cambodia, acknowledged that cost man-  demic  was  to  retain  its  current  team  by
         is involved.”                       agement  in  parallel  with  ensuring  sufficient  offering them stable incomes and benefits,
           Meanwhile, with a workforce of some 900,  resources  to  enable  a  business  rebound  and  while continuing to promote employee engage-
         Schneider  Electric  Vietnam  needs  the  right  growth is a challenge. “With strict control on  ment activities as well as support for their
         amount of re-invention, re-proportioning, and  external hiring during the pandemic, we con-  mental health. “We have a clear strategy for
         re-prioritizing to adapt to shifting customer  ducted a resource rebalancing exercise to ensure  workforce  development  in  the  future,  by
         demand and markets in response to the crisis  enough talent was deployed into resilient seg-  closely following our business goals and decid-
         created by Covid-19. From an organizational  ments,” she said. “Job sharing has been promoted  ing to retain and develop internally, combined
         perspective, it promptly captured market trends  strongly, to fill resource gaps while providing  with recruiting new talent from outside to
         and  turned  them  into  mid-  and  long-term  development opportunities for our people.”   form a dynamic team with many new per-
         workforce strategies with more career oppor-  Moreover, the pandemic has had a huge  spectives,” he said.
         tunities  for  internal  talent,  using  an  Open  influence  on  how  companies  recruit  new  As  part  of  its  talent  development  and
         Talent Market as a new platform to enable job  talent, especially FIEs, which generally have  retention strategies, Schneider Electric Viet-
         sharing,  and  adopting  an  expat  localization  more expatriate candidates than local candi-  nam has a clear group of “must-keep” talent.
         plan with an aggressive timeframe.  dates. “The uncertainty has had a major impact  “We  identify  our  internal  talent  pool  via
                                             on jobseekers’ behavior,” said Mr. Techottius-  annual assessments, and apply a Talent Reten-
         Challenges to confront              sanee. “Local candidates at the senior level  tion Toolkit to have an appropriate level of
           The pandemic further highlighted the crit-  are unlikely to change jobs during such a sen-  engagement and proactive retention efforts
         ical role of HR professionals in all businesses.  sitive situation. Most decide to stay in their  when needed,” Ms. Trang said. “Senior talent
         Strong HR leaders are needed now more than  current position and are unwilling to accept a  who  are  successors  in  leadership  roles,
         ever, given the ongoing changes and evolving  new challenge.”          women, young talent, as well as talent with
         employee and organizational needs brought  URC Vietnam aims to hire the right people  critical skills and expertise for our business
         about by the pandemic.              with the right mindset, who must share com-  growth are all part of our talent pool.”
           There have indeed been more hurdles to  mon values. In addition to basic factors such  Meanwhile, MM Mega Market’s strategies
         surmount  in  the  face  of  the  pandemic,  not  as offering attractive packages, to find such  to retain existing talent include providing a
         only in recruiting but also in retaining senior  people the leadership team also needs to be  career  path  and  advancement,  and  better
         staff, according to Dr. Jung Woo Han, a Lecturer  regularly trained in interview skills, how to  benefits, and its plan for HR recruitment in
         in Human Resources Management and Entre-  listen to and inspire candidates, how to read  2021  is  to  keep  promoting  the  company’s
         preneurship  at  RMIT.  He  sees  that  demand  a person and find the most suitable career  employer  branding  and  be  recognized  as
         for talent has remained consistent and, in some  path for them, and whether it is best to hire  among  the  best  employers.  “Investing  in
         sectors, has actually grown. What has happened  them in the first place.  employees is an important part of creating
         is that organizations are becoming more adept                          an engaged workforce and is an effective way
         at considering their options in hiring.   Future strategies            of reducing staff turnover, and we continue
           For  example,  many  organizations  have  In order to find competent and compatible  to  go  beyond  our  solutions  to  take  on  the
         looked at opportunities to upskill and promote  staff, URC Vietnam has designed attractive  challenging  workplace  environment,”  Mr.
         their  internal  staff.  Given  the  difficulties  in  remuneration packages together with work-  Techottiussanee said. %

          BY SECTOR, 2019
          (Unit: $)                                                               93,523
                                                            112.8    113.7
                                                                                         28,454 28,454
                             9,862                                                                   9,413
                                             12.9                  12.9                          5,310
                                          4.3     4.3     4.3                                             5,310 4,145
                                          FIEs     Private  100% SOEs  State-controlled  FIEs  Private  State-controlled  100% SOEs
                                                  enterprises      enterprises            enterprises  enterprises
               All businesses
               State-owned enterprises
               FIEs                         2018                                    2018
               Non-State enterprises        2019                                    2019
         Source: MoLISA, 2020

          E                                                                      FEBRUARY 2021  | VIETNAM ECONOMIC TIMES | 17

                                                                      per year
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