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Shifting in shape
Employees and employers have both changed to adapt to the
impact of Covid-19, creating a much-altered HR market.
T NGOC LAN reportS
ccording to Manpower Group Talent is expected to continue in the months to
Solutions’ Total Workforce Index come. More than ever before, Covid-19 has
A (TWI) 2020, Vietnam was ranked accelerated digital transformation across busi-
fourth among the top five markets globally nesses, helping to change many outdated
in Cost Efficiency. These markets are all habits and mindsets about technology and
driven by favorable country dynamics, such pushing for more investment in technology
as cost of labor and regulations. Covid-19 and innovation. As a result, employers are
began as a health crisis and is now playing changing job scope and competency require-
out as an economic crisis and a social crisis. ments. These are inevitable, as businesses
“Work literally left the building and whole are striking a balance between business trans-
industries are disrupting at speeds never seen formation for survival and maximizing effi-
before,” Mr. Simon Matthews, Regional Man- ciency and employment.
ager of Manpower Group Vietnam, Thailand As a freeware web browser focused on
and the Middle East told VET. “Workforce the Vietnam market, Coc Coc’s employee
demand is shifting globally too. Increased numbers have increased slightly, with a change
demand for cyber security experts, data ana- in positions within the company, according
lysts, and software and app developers, and to Mr. Nguyen Vu Anh, Deputy General Direc-
new roles like contact tracers, distance mon- tor. “We observed an increase in the number
itors, and temperature checkers are emerging of users as Covid-19 changed their habits
as fast as others are declining in aviation, towards online needs,” he said. “In order to
hospitality, and entertainment.” provide high-quality services to users, we and men as well as the LGBTQI community
plan to bring in software engineers from when they give birth to or adopt a child.”
Changes from Covid-19 Russia with extensive experience in search Anphabe’s “Vietnam Best Places to Work
The Covid-19 pandemic was unprece- engines. Due to the specific characteristics 2020 Survey” also found that employees now
dented in its global reach and impact, posing of operations, we need to look for talent in have lower expectations regarding salary and
formidable challenges to Vietnam’s businesses recruiting, so the recruitment requirement benefits, and instead expect more health and
and directly affecting its human resources is quite high and the rate of people passing well-being programs and a sense of caring
(HR) market. Businesses, therefore, were our tests is quite low.” from leaders. “Insights from our research
forced to carry out workforce restructuring. Among major fast-moving consumer goods show that leadership teams who put ‘people
“A ‘cutback’ wave was observed in not only (FMCG) companies, Nestlé Vietnam has first’ in their critical decisions are greatly
industries where Covid-19 impacted the most, adopted strategies to support its workforce. appreciated by employees, and this has a
such as tourism, aviation, and hospitality, but “The safety of employees and ensuring their major impact on their effort and engagement,”
also industries with the opportunity to grow, incomes and benefits remain our priorities,” Ms. Thanh Nguyen told VET.
like insurance, agriculture, and IT,” said Ms. said Ms. Truong Bich Dao, HR Manager at
Thanh Nguyen, Chief Happiness Officer at Nestlé Vietnam. “We will continue to Facing future challenges
Anphabe. “To survive, along with cutbacks, strengthen our policies and our commitment Despite there being positive signs coming
organizations also proactively made changes to support human development this year, into 2021, a degree of caution is warranted
to adapt to the ‘new normal’.” including a policy to help parents taking care as a host of uncertainties remain. And these
According to Anphabe’s research, 81 per of children, which was officially introduced may affect how HR policies are shaped in
cent of organizations are undergoing strategic on January 1. This is typical of Nestlé’s com- the foreseeable future. According to
changes and these are happening across mitment to supporting gender diversity and Anphabe, when revenue tumbles and busi-
almost all industries in Vietnam. The trend equality, ensuring the rights of both women nesses can’t escape fixed costs (especially