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                                                                                efforts to lead the change. “Transformation
                                                                                takes time, but employees may be worn out
                                                                                by fatigue and companies risk losing track in
                                                                                terms of leadership and internal engagement
                                                                                along the way,” said Ms. Thanh Nguyen. “Hence,
                                                                                leaders should place strong focus on both agile
                                                                                operations and continuous communications
                                                                                in order to overcome the challenges and become
                                                                                a pioneer in their market.”

                                                                                Promising market
                                                                                   According to the “Vietnam Employment
                                                                                Outlook  Survey  in  the  New  Normal”  from
                                                                                the Manpower Group, Vietnamese employers
                                                                                have a positive outlook on hiring, with 38.6
                                                                                per  cent  of  respondents  expecting  hiring
                                                                                activities  to  return  to  pre-Covid-19  levels
                                                                                within the next three months. In the longer-
                                                                                term, 35 per cent expect to see their hiring
                                                                                recover in the next six to nine months, and
                                                                                about  21  per  cent  say  hiring  activities  will
                                                                                return  to  normal  within  a  year.  “We  can
                                                                                expect Vietnam’s control of the pandemic to
                                                                                continue,” Mr. Matthews said. “With vacci-
                                                                                nations now rolled out in Western countries,
                                                                                Vietnam  is  expected  to  see  its  workforce
                                                                                demand increase as well.”
                                                                                   Mr. Vu Anh told VET that 2020 was the
                                                                                second year Coc Coc was profitable, because
                                                                                online access increased during the pandemic.
                                                                                Its total users stood at 25 million at the end of
                                                                                last year, with 4 million being mobile platforms,
                                                                                increasing its market share in this regard to
                                                                                2.7 per cent, up 1.5-fold against 2019. In par-
                                                                                ticular, with 13 million downloads on mobile
                                                                                phones, Coc Coc has moved into the top 4
                                                                                most popular mobile browsers in Vietnam.
                                                                                “This  creates  favorable  conditions  for  Coc
                                                                                Coc to invest in people,” he added. “In fact,
                                                                                we spent 70 per cent of revenue on HR.”
                                                                                   Moving forward, according to the results
                                                                                of Anphabe’s “Vietnam Best Places To Work
                                                                             pHoto: VIet tUAN
                                                                                Survey 2020”, working professionals in Viet-
         wage costs, which account for a large pro-  the news that more and more multinational  nam tend to look for opportunities in industries
         portion), HR must find ways to make the  companies  are  relocating  their  factories  in  such as consumer goods (FMCG food & non-
         cost structure more adjustable and in line  other countries to Vietnam, the demand for  food), retail / wholesale / trading, IT / software,
         with  revenue  fluctuations.  For  instance,  skilled workers as well as management staff  and banking. Companies providing essential
         there have been changes in payment struc-  will rise. This also poses the risk of Nestlé  products  and  services  have  a  competitive
         ture at some companies, especially in sales,  Vietnam  suffering  from  a  ‘brain  drain’  of  edge in the race for talent, especially during
         where fixed base salaries are now linked to  highly-qualified and well-trained employees.”   turbulent times. Industries such as e-com-
         sales results. Upskilling and re-skilling pro-  Meanwhile, Coc Coc must address diffi-  merce, logistics, and insurance are also top
         grams help this group contribute directly  culties in attracting talent. “It is quite hard to  of mind among working professionals in Viet-
         to  higher  revenue  generation.  There  are  attract talent when there are many big tech  nam. “It should be noted, however, that advan-
         also  cases  where  companies  have  partly  companies and startups trying to do likewise,”  tages from the industry itself are not sufficient
         switched to freelancers and part-time work-  said Mr. Vu Anh. “Our biggest difficulty is in  to  maintain  engagement  with  employees,”
         ers, as well as full-time employees.  recruiting software engineers, because high-  Ms. Thanh Nguyen said. “We have observed
           Vietnam’s  HR  market  in  2021  will  also  quality workers tend to head abroad. When a  companies, whether in advantageous indus-
         present certain challenges to Nestlé Vietnam.  recruitment exercise is successful, the difficulty  tries or not, performing quite well thanks to
         Ms. Dao said that as Vietnam has demonstrated  is then how to retain them in the long term.”  proactive  communication,  focusing  on
         its ability to effectively control Covid-19, its  Anphabe’s research revealed that much effort  employer branding and continuous employee
         labor  market  can  also  recover  more  easily,  was exerted last year by organizations to moti-  engagement with empathetic leadership. In
         especially  at  industries  serving  domestic  vate and retain their employees, but engagement  a  nutshell,  companies  with  inner  strength
         demand, such as retail, FMCG, and construc-  rates  continue  to  fall.  Fifty-five  per  cent  of  and who maximize the advantages from trans-
         tion. “Nestlé Vietnam will therefore face com-  working people responded that they do not  formation to revamp their teams will have a
         petition  in  recruitment,”  she  added.  “With  have a positive opinion on their organizations’  chance of bouncing back more strongly.”   %

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