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Generali Vietnam closed a successful 2020 with the opening
                                                                        of Generali Plaza, its new head office building in HCMC.

                                        A breath of fresh air

                            in Vietnam’s insurance industry

             In an industry long considered “old and dry”,  Generali was listed among the “Top 10 Com-  and natural disasters. “Standing by each other’s
          Italian-based  insurer  Generali  has  brought  a  panies with a Happy Workforce” by Anphabe last  side for the Tet you desire”, the campaign en-
          breath of fresh air to Vietnam’s insurance indus-  year, in recognition of its ongoing commitment  courages everyone to cherish those they love -
          try with its bold strategy of “Becoming a Life-  to investing in its people. Generali Vietnam was  a source of strength and support to help them
          time  Partner  to  its  Customers”.  Faced  with  also awarded the “Saigon Times CSR 2020” cer-  overcome all of the challenges in life.
          unprecedented challenges and uncertainties,  tificate for its outstanding community work. Both  Going beyond delivering positive messages,
          the relentless pursuit of its “Lifetime Partner”  the company and Ms. Nguyen received organiza-  to enable customers to better protect their fam-
          ambition has allowed Generali to stay the course  tional and individual commendations from the  ily this Lunar New Year, Generali has introduced
          and finish 2020 with strong results.   Minister of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs for  upgrades to its unique health insurance product
             “2020 was such an unprecedented year that  their outstanding contributions to Vietnamese  named after the brand’s key message, “VITA -
          all of humankind just wanted to pass as quickly as  children’s well-being and protection in 2020.  Song Nhu Y”. Launched in 2019, “VITA - Song Nhu
          possible,” said Ms. Tina Nguyen, CEO of Generali  Closing a successful 2020, Generali Vietnam  Y” features attractive benefits, competitive pre-
          Vietnam. “But, as the saying goes, ‘fire proves gold,  opened Generali Plaza, its new head office build-  miums,  a  fast  and  hassle-free  purchasing
          adversity proves men’. Our people stayed united  ing in Ho Chi Minh City. Generali Plaza features  process, and an efficient claim process via the
          and were determined to turn challenges into op-  an open layout, a sophisticated and eco-friendly  GenCare function on the GenVita digital ecosys-
          portunities and opportunities into reality, making  design with a wide range of amenities, modern  tem. The enhanced versions of “VITA - Song Nhu
          2020 a successful year for Generali in many ways.  equipment, and cutting-edge AI technology. It  Y” now offer additional outpatient treatment ben-
          I am proud and touched by our people’s dedicated  aims to better serve Generali’s customers and  efits, adding more choices for customers looking
          efforts and commitment, and I am confident that  meet its expansion needs in Vietnam. The build-  for better health coverage. These enhanced ver-
          2021 will be a year when we can do even better in  ing is also an important milestone reaffirming  sions also feature elegant and premium packag-
          terms of serving our customers, contributing to  Generali’s long-term commitment in Vietnam.   ing and are poised to become ideal Tet gifts for
          the community and supporting our partners.”                           customers and their loved ones.   %
                                             Commitment to innovation
          Successful year amid unprecedented  in every business and social sphere
          challenges and uncertainties          Generali Vietnam has posted great achieve-
             In  its  decade  of  operations  in  Vietnam,   ments thanks to its continued commitment to in-
          Generali quickly established itself in the local in-  novation in branding, product development, service
          surance industry with its unique approach and  enhancement, and community contribution.
          strategic business plan. The Italian-based in-  The insurer’s ongoing “Song Nhu Y” brand
          surer is committed to pursuing its ambition of  campaign has been internationally recognized,
          becoming a “Lifetime Partner” to its customers,  receiving the “Marketing Campaign of the Year”
          with a focus on continuously enhancing product  award from Insurance Asia News. Riding on this
          quality and the customer experience.  success, Generali recently launched another Tet
             It finished the unprecedented year of 2020  music video in celebration of the Year of the Buf-
          with impressive business growth of over 90 per  falo 2021. Capturing the touching stories of an
          cent across all distribution channels, a big jump  affectionate  father  and  his  young  daughter
          in  technology  application,  a  market-leading  struggling  between  “going  home  for  Tet”  or
          overall customer satisfaction score (RNPS), and  “staying in the city” amid all the hustle and bus-
          other prestigious recognitions for its community  tle, the video resonates with the audience after  + Generali rose to lead the market in overall
                                                                                   customer satisfaction score (RNPS) in 2020
          and people development achievements.   a year of uncertainty and loss from pandemic

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