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                                                                                                          pHoto: VIet tUAN

         has planned to draft a document to replace  ations - a task made more difficult given the  banks  have  completed  their  restructuring
         Prime Ministerial Decision No 58 from 2016.  uncertainty of the current cycle and operating  process.  As  many  are  looking  to  raise  their
         The  new  document,  which  is  to  be  issued  environment. In his view, the foremost ques-  registered capital to meet the CAR requirements
         this year, will re-classify banks as a group in  tion in this current environment is the true  in Basel II, they continue to remain attractive
         which the State holds between 50 and 65 per  asset quality picture in the market.   to foreign investors. Given the long-term pos-
         cent of charter capital, which in turn sets up  Foreign strategic investors are undoubtedly  itive outlook of Vietnam’s economy, the market
         a framework for an adjustment in the FOL  keen to enter Vietnam’s banking sector. “This  expects that more banks will raise their regis-
         for banks.”                         is  due  to  the  relative  appeal  of  the  market  tered capital by issuing shares through private
           The mounting pressure from the pandemic  given  the  fact  that  it  is  under-banked,”  he  placements to strategic investors.
         has not only affected the quality of Vietnamese  explained. “Penetration rates in terms of the  Regarding foreign capital mobilization for
         banks’ assets and profitability but also hampered  number of bank accounts or retail or mortgage  local banks, it can come in either the form of
         some lenders’ cross-border mergers. “Actually,  loans remain low, and margins remain relatively  portfolio investment or direct investment, for
         the bad debts forming from the Covid-19 eco-  high.  A  lower  FOL  could  be  a  deterrent  to  example an equity stake. “However, both types
         nomic fallout are of a lower magnitude than  potential investors, as they may not feel they  of investment will have to consider a bank’s
         the  bad  debts  that  accrued  during  the  last  can acquire enough of a stake to exert any  prospects  as  well  as  fundamental  standing,
         credit downturn in Vietnam, in 2013/2014,”  influence on either the strategic or operational  whether on a short-term or long-term basis,
         Mr. Ngo Hoang Long, Associate Director at  direction or transfer best practices and policies.”   which may be difficult to ascertain at this junc-
         VCSC,  remarked.  “In  our  opinion,  banks                            ture  given  the  uncertainty  surrounding  the
         entered 2020 in the best shape in a decade, so  Future prospects       sector (in terms of asset quality and profitability)
         the  magnitude  of  bad  debts  from  Covid-19  With the Vietnamese Government’s rapid  and the economy as we all try to get through
         need to be significant to weaken banks.”  responsive strategies to control the pandemic,  the Covid-19 pandemic,” Mr. Ho noted.
           Moreover, asset quality pressures or weak  many signs of recovery have been seen in the  Looking to the future, Ms. Truc anticipated
         operational prospects (whether it is lending  country’s economic picture already. Mr. Tung  that quarantine requirements will be eased
         or fee generation) may lead to lower profitabil-  from OCB believes that enterprises and indi-  from the second half of this year for countries
         ity and growth that may tarnish the immediate  viduals with a reasonable balance of capital  that have successful vaccination programs.
         appeal of a local bank, according to Mr. Ho.  can  still  overcome  the  difficulties.  Foreign  “We  expect  to  see  a  reopening  of  primary
         Amid the current challenging conditions, a  capital has moved to Vietnam and many banks  equity  capital  markets  in  Vietnam  in  the
         bank’s ability to draw capital may rest with  seemed quite active in the securities business  fourth quarter and with that the launch of
         its ability to balance the need to manage risks  and  other  income  sources,  including  OCB.  efforts by banks to tap international investors,”
         and  achieve  its  growth  objectives.  Foreign  Hence, its achieved good profits in 2020.  she said. “We think State-owned banks are
         investors looking to invest capital in a bank  M&A activities in the banking sector are  best placed to successfully raise new equity
         would want some certainty on what they are  set to heat up this year once Covid-19 is fully  capital over smaller banks, because of brand
         investing in, in terms of its normalized oper-  contained,  and  the  majority  of  Vietnamese  recognition and scale.” %

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