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         Smoother                                      Amended investment and enterprise laws

                                                       promise to further improve the investment
                                                       environment and express the government’s
         sailing                                       ongoing efforts in FDI attraction.

                                                       T HUNG CAO REPORTS

                                                                                 of the government allowed it to maintain a
                                                                                 high level of investor confidence by controlling
                                                                                 health and business risks.”
                                                                                   The LOI and the LOE 2020 contain more
                                                                                 progressive changes and are probably not as
                                                                                 significant as earlier LOIs were. The biggest
                                                                                 change, from an investment perspective, is to
                                                                                 move to a “Negative list” approach to restricted
                                                                                 investment sectors, as the previous “Positive
                                                                                 list” approach created too many issues and a
                                                                                 lack of clarity, particularly as new business
                                                                                 fields emerge that were not previously envis-
                                                                                 aged  when  WTO  agreements  were  made,
                                                                                 according to Mr. Matthew Lourey, Managing
                                                                                 Partner of the law firm Acclime Vietnam
                                                                                   Moreover, major positive shifts in invest-
                                                                                 ment  approach  and  commitment  to  legal
                                                                                 reform  by  policy  makers  appears  to  boost
                                                                                 foreign investor confidence in Vietnam. Poli-
                                                                                 cies in recent times to pursue a broad range
                                                                                 of FTAs has allowed Vietnam to stand out in
                                                                                 the  developing  world  as  one  of  the  more
                                                                                 favorable destinations for attracting invest-
                                                                                 ment. “We have seen the benefits of this strat-
                                                                                 egy over the Covid-19 period, as even though
                                                                                 FDI fell globally, foreign market entry enquiries
                                                                                 remained  strong,  and  we  saw  increases  in
                                                                                 foreign investors establishing a presence in
                                                                                 Vietnam,  especially  with  larger  parcels  of
                                                                                 investment  to  flow  once  travel  restrictions
                                                                              PHOTO: VIET TUAN
                                                                                 ease,” Mr. Lourey went on.
               ietnam’s  increasingly  dynamic  eco-  commitment to global integration in terms of  “We  have  also  seen  recent  circulars,  on
               nomic integration and the numerous  investment  and  economic  development,  the  tax, labor, and investment, being less ‘piece-
         V free trade agreements (FTAs) it has  law also emphasizes improving the quality and  meal’ in approach, and more comprehensive
         signed have presented many more opportu-  effectiveness of investment activities.  documents  providing  far  more  clarity  for
         nities  to  local  businesses  and  opened  up  These are welcome updates to these key  laws in a single document, as opposed to his-
         foreign investment in the country. The National  laws and the first since 2014. The new LOI  torical approaches where implementing reg-
         Assembly therefore passed the amended Law  introduces more favorable conditions for for-  ulations, and appropriate appendices, would
         on Enterprises (LOE) and amended Law on  eign investors, together with those from trade  be found scattered over many documents.”
         Investment  (LOI)  last  June,  which  create  a  agreements  such  as  the  EU-Vietnam  FTA,
         significant foundation for attracting FDI. Ele-  the  UK-Vietnam  FTA,  the  Comprehensive  Key improvements
         ments of both new laws, however, have been  and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific  In 2020, a series of legal documents such
         met with some degree of concern among both  Partnership (CPTPP), and the Regional Com-  as the amended LOI, amended LOE, and the
         existing and new foreign investors.  prehensive  Economic  Partnership  (RCEP),  Law on Public-Private Partnership Investment
                                             as well as many new investment incentives.  were approved for the purpose of simplifying
         Catalyst for FDI                    “These  make  Vietnam  an  attractive  target  investment  procedures,  enhancing  decen-
           Having come into effect on January 1 this  for foreign investors,” said Ms. Elaine Chew,  tralization  and  transparency,  diversifying
         year, the new LOI promises to enhance Vietnam’s  Senior  Associate  of  ACSV  Legal.  “It’s  also  investment forms, and supplementing special
         investment landscape and foster its image as  important  to  highlight  that  Vietnam’s  suc-  investment incentives for large-scale projects.
         an attractive destination for foreign investors.  cessful containment of the coronavirus through  In the future, Vietnam is expected to develop
         While  expressing  the  government’s  further  strict State policies and the overall approach  further and remain a promising destination

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