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           Besides its good business operations, which  serve R&D as well as new product application.”  At the moment, with
         employ more than 3,500 people and contribute  It was among the most active companies in  Covid-19 brought
         significantly to the State budget, URC Vietnam  introducing  a  wide  variety  of  products  that  largely under control by the
         also cares about corporate social responsibility  meet consumer needs for healthy, nutritious,
         programs. During Covid-19, it played an active  and energizing solutions during such a turbulent  Vietnamese Government and
         role in supporting local communities to over-  period. “Ultimately, what keeps us strong in  with a vaccination program
         come the pandemic, with billions of VND in  competition  is  our  sustainable  approach,  to  now underway, we firmly
         cash and thousands of URC products going  provide a better life to our consumers, employ-  believe that Vietnam’s
         to frontline workers nationwide.    ees, and partners alike,” he added.  economy will rapidly recover
           In the financial sector, Home Credit Viet-  Also  seeking  motivation  from  the  diffi-  and consumption demand
         nam saw improvements in the opening two  culties, SCG Vietnam’s operational perform-  will increase, which will
         months of 2021, especially in the credit card  ance  in  2020  remained  resilient  thanks  to
         segment,  which  has  witnessed  significant  the collective efforts of its employees, who  enable our business to
         growth and is a timely response to the policy  placed priority on safety and business conti-  become much better.”
         from the government and State Bank of Viet-  nuity. The team adopted new strategies and
         nam promoting non-cash payments. In the  introduced  a  series  of  agile  business  MR. JIRI BADR,
         closing months of last year, it received a prize  approaches, from modifying business plans  Head of Sales at Home Credit Vietnam
         from Visa for “Leadership in Credit Payment  and altering sales proportions to developing
         Volume Growth 2020”.                the Active Omni-Channel to meet changing
           “At the moment, with Covid-19 brought  customer  behavior.  These  enabled  SCG  to
         largely under control by the Vietnamese Gov-  deliver a comprehensive range of innovations,  using cutting-edge technologies to minimize
         ernment  and  with  a  vaccination  program  products, services, and solutions that catered  resource usage, produce “greener products”,
         now underway, we firmly believe that Viet-  to market demand.           provide recycling solutions, and lift manu-
         nam’s economy will rapidly recover and con-  For  example,  its  packaging  business  facturing standards in the industry as a whole.
         sumption demand will increase, which will  adapted to cope with the recession by further  SCG believes in Vietnam’s potential and wants
         enable our business to become much better,”  reinforcing its integrated business model to  to cooperate with local businesses and com-
         according to Mr. Jiri Badr, Head of Sales at  build sustainable growth throughout ASEAN.  munities to proudly send “Made-in-Vietnam”
         Home Credit Vietnam.                This also includes cooperating with businesses  products to the world.
                                             overseas to grow by expanding the customer  The Covid-19 pandemic has affected indus-
         Motivation for success              base in product categories. SCG Packaging  try in many different ways, including lowering
           Over the past year, the foreign business  recently invested in Bien Hoa Packaging and  consumption power, changing shopping behav-
         community in Vietnam has been united in  Go-Pak UK Limited, the latter being one of  ior towards healthy and safe products, creating
         joining hands with the government to combat  the leading food service solutions providers  a need for an omni-channel approach amid
         Covid-19 while keeping their business sus-  in the UK, Europe, and North America, with  social distancing, and disrupting supply chains
         tainable.  Home  Credit  Vietnam  strived  to  a production facility in Vietnam’s south.  due to global travel restrictions. “All of these
         maintain its operations throughout and limit                           factors force a business, especially a regional
         the  negative  influence  of  Covid-19,  while  Future strategies       business with scale like URC, to change our
         ensuring  compliance  with  government  The  safety  of  products,  employees,  cus-  mindset and innovate to step out of the crisis
         requirements on implementing disease pre-  tomers, and business partners is key to main-  safely and healthily,” Mr. Levan said.
         vention measures.                   taining business continuity, which helps SCG  “At URC Vietnam, we place a strong empha-
           “We also recorded a number of important  sustain  its  business  performance  and  move  sis on effective leadership, which allows us to
         achievements,” Mr. Badr said. “The total num-  forward, according to Mr. Vongvanich. “The  quickly respond to change while maintaining
         ber of customers using Home Credit products  dramatic changes in the needs and wants of  business  continuity.  During  this  time,  con-
         and services stood at more than 12 million.  our customers, especially from the digital rev-  nections and partnerships with the industry
         About 6.3 million people have downloaded  olution fueled by Covid-19, have forced us to  community allowed us to take effective measure
         the Home Credit Vietnam mobile app to man-  innovate and be agile. Thanks to our parent  to cope with industry challenges. Moreover,
         age loans and credit cards, pay bills, and enjoy  company’s sustainability principles, we have  to cope with current and future challenges,
         promotions and measures to encourage non-  steadily adjusted ourselves to meet expectations.”   URC has a plan to transform our supply chain,
         cash transactions. Specifically, last year we  “In addition to the impact of the pandemic,  in which all URC factories will apply the iLean
         were the first consumer finance company in  we  also  foresee  other  global  challenges  in  system and digitize all touch points.”
         Vietnam to successfully implement a paperless  environmental issues, such as climate change,  Home  Credit  Vietnam,  meanwhile,  has
         contract signing process. We also increased  waste management, and urban pollution. In  also been resilient and succeeded in main-
         our  charter  capital  three  times,  to  $88.5  2020,  SCG  in  Thailand  organized  its  11th  taining business continuity during this tough
         million, demonstrating a long-term commit-  Sustainable Development Symposium, con-  period via digital transformation. Internally,
         ment to Vietnam as a reliable partner of the  necting hundreds of partners to discuss solu-  it applied a digital approach to working and
         Vietnamese people.”                 tions to regional challenges, including in Viet-  training in all regions. “We will continue with
           Meanwhile, URC Vietnam overcame the  nam. Going forward, following our sustainable  our  improvement  processes  and  focus  on
         challenges with its relentless commitment to  development guidelines, SCG will focus on  improving products,” Mr. Badr said. “We are
         product quality and its agility in adapting to  innovation  and  digital  transformation  to  also trying to approach new segments. If the
         fast-changing consumer demands. “Product  respond to rapidly-changing customer expec-  market encounters new challenges, we will
         quality was guaranteed by cutting-edge man-  tations, while creating more values and benefits  try to utilize the existing market as much as
         ufacturing technologies and the rigorous man-  for the environment and society.”   we can. These explain how Covid-19 helped
         agement of world-class quality and food safety  Internally, he went on, the company aims  us to speed up a lot of our processes, and this
         standards,”  said  Mr.  Levan.  “The  company  to  join  hands  with  partners  in  Vietnam  to  is  how  we  maintained  our  position  during
         also  has  an  in-house  central  laboratory  to  adopt  a  sustainable  approach  to  business,  the pandemic.”  %

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