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% How would you comment on Amway’s 2020 period. More children gained access to
business operations after 13 years in Vietnam? Nutrilite Little Bits and more families under-
Amway’s activities in Vietnam are increas- stood the importance of nutrition in early
ingly asserting the company’s position more life, which contributed to improving the
so than in other countries in the region. It is stature and fitness of Vietnamese people.
trusted and chosen by Vietnamese consumers In particular, Amway participated and actively
to improve the quality of their lives and contributed to community activities by joining
provide an active life. hands with the entire country to overcome the
Our efforts over the course of more than Covid -19 pandemic and cope with flood damage
a decade in Vietnam are evidenced by the in the central region last year.
number of awards and amount of consumer In February 2020, Amway Vietnam coop-
recognition to come our way. This drives erated with the government electronic news-
Amway Vietnam to constantly innovate, paper and government portal to carry out a
create, and overcome difficulties and obstacles program providing products worth VND600
in order to succeed and sustainably develop. million ($26,000) to northern Lang Son
province, to support isolated areas and trading
% How did the Covid-19 pandemic affect areas along its border with China.
Amway in Vietnam? Amway Vietnam also worked with the
The impact was not only a challenge forcing Tien Phong newspaper and the 175 Military
businesses to change to adapt but also an Responding to Medical Hospital to hold the 12th Red Sunday
opportunity for them to improve their com- program in Ho Chi Minh City, and with Bach
petitiveness and take advantage of their busi- customer needs Mai Hospital and the Central Institute of
ness for sustainable development. The Amway Hematology and Blood Transfusion in Hanoi.
Global in general and Amway Vietnam in Mr. Huynh Thien Trieu, General The two events encouraged more than 600
particular are proud to have applied advanced Manager of Amway Vietnam, Amway employees, distributors, and cus-
technologies in production and services to tells VET’s how the company tomers to participate in a blood donation
increase interactions with consumers, which develops in a sustainable manner drive, donating nearly 300 units of blood.
allow customers and distributors to experience in Vietnam. It accompanied the “Our Hearts to Central
safe, high-quality products. Amway Vietnam Vietnam - Da Nang and Quang Nam” online
always emphasizes sustainable development fundraising music program, and donated
as a strategic focus in its business plans and VND300 million ($13,000) to join hands with
commitments to high-quality production, the entire country to help the two central
and strives to meet the increasing needs of of life in Vietnam but also to cater to people’s provinces overcome the Covid-19 pandemic.
consumers. well-being via community activities. In addi- Amway Vietnam donated VND200 million
When the whole world faced a shortage of tion, Amway will always ensure the supply of ($8,640) to the “Accompanying the Central
goods during the pandemic, Amway ensured goods in order to meet the needs of consumers Region to Overcome Flood Damage” program
full supply. This was a result of the Corporation’s in both quality and quantity. organized by the Saigon Liberation newspaper
efforts in strategy building and pioneering new to assist people in the central region hit by heavy
initiatives, with quick adaptation and flexibility % What are your plans for Amway Vietnam rains and floods. This money will be transferred
in production and business activities. this year and in the long term? to residents in Huong Hoa district in Quang Tri
Amway is investing more than $500 million province and others in Quang Binh province,
% Amway Vietnam is among 21 multi-level in digital platforms and product innovation which experienced landslides and casualties. %
marketing (MLM) firms that have permis- to promote global business growth and allow
sion to operate in Vietnam. What oppor- companies and distributors to better respond
tunities and challenges do you see for MLM to customer needs.
in Vietnam? It is committed to sustainable development Amway was honored to receive a Certificate
In just two years, after selection measures by continuing to accompany agencies, depart- of Merit from the Hanoi People’s Committee
for its outstanding achievements in the social
were introduced by authorities, the number of ments, and organizations in healthcare in and charity activities of Hanoi
MLM businesses has come down from 67 to 21 protecting consumer activities. newspapers.
Although the number has fallen, sales and Amway was honored to receive a Certificate
of Merit from the Lang Son Provincial People’s
incomes of sellers did not decline, which % Could you tell us about Amway’s CSR Committee for its outstanding achievements
indicates that the market found a balance. activities in Vietnam? in the implementation of Covid-19 prevention
MLM has become more organized, but many The most important part of Amway’s vol- and control.
challenges remain because illegal MLM activ- unteer activities is programs for children, In particular, 2021 is the second consecutive
year Amway has been honored with a
ities are still found, and this not only affects with the most impressive being “Nutrilite Certificate of Merit from the Ministry
society and people but also businesses that Power of 5”, which has been run in 15 countries of Health for its positive contributions
are operating seriously in the industry. by the Amway Global and provides a free to nutritional improvements among
Vietnamese children.
The government is continuing to improve multi-micronutrient package, Nutrilite Little Amway Vietnam was honored to receive
the legal environment and strengthen inspec- Bits, to improve malnutrition problems among the Vietnam - ASEAN Outstanding Enterprises
tions and control while prosecuting illegal children. In 2019, Amway conducted the Award.
Amway Vietnam has been listed in the
multi-level sales. Nutrilite Power of 5 campaign in Vietnam top 100 sustainable enterprises in Vietnam
Amway Vietnam and genuine enterprises with the Department of Maternal and Child for five consecutive years.
in the industry are committed to continuing Health at the Ministry of Health through the Amway has received a “Golden Product for
to operate in compliance with the law, to not “Improving the Nutritional Problems of Chil- Public Health” award for eight consecutive
only contribute to improvements to quality dren under 5 years old” project in the 2019-