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                   Creating a path forward

                             VET spoke with a range of stakeholders in the foreign investment space
                                            about where Vietnam currently stands.

             Global trade and investment have been  while low compared to recent years, far out-  helped  attract  foreign  investors.  Longer-
             hit hard over the last 12 months. Since  strips most other countries in the region and  term, Vietnam has several important advan-
         the outbreak of Covid-19, economies around  the  wider  world.  This  is  reflected  in  tages  that  make  it  an  attractive  trade  and
         the  world  have  suffered  as  lockdowns  and  EuroCham’s Business Climate Index (BCI) -  investment  destination.  Some  of  these  are
         social distancing have brought normal business  our regular barometer of business sentiment  demographic - a young, well-educated pop-
         operations to a standstill. Countries are just  among  European  companies  operating  in  ulation - while others are geographic - having
         now starting to see a thaw in this deep eco-  Vietnam.  Each  quarter,  it  tracks  the  per-  a  strategic  location  in  the  world’s  fastest-
         nomic freeze, as the roll-out of vaccinations  formance of EuroCham’s member companies  growing region. But most importantly, at least
         begins to gather pace. However, Vietnam has  and their perceptions of the economic out-  for international investors, is Vietnam’s network
         been one of only a handful of international  look. Our latest data from Q4 2020 shows  of free trade agreements with major markets
         outliers. The government’s swift and effective  that European business leaders ended last  around the world, such as the Regional Com-
         handling of the pandemic has enabled busi-  year more optimistic about Vietnam’s trade  prehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and
         nesses to operate much closer to normal than  and  investment  environment  than  at  any  the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement
         elsewhere in the world. For this reason, Viet-  point since the outbreak of Covid-19. The  for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). For
         nam was one of the few countries to record  BCI climbed 6 points in the quarter to 63.6,  European  investors,  the  EUVFTA  is  top  of
         positive economic growth in 2020. The esti-  ending 2020 on a high. In total, the index  the agenda. This historic agreement, imple-
         mated 2.9 per cent annual increase in GDP,  rose 37 points over the course of last year,  mented  on  August  1,  2020,  will  phase  out
                                             after falling to a historic low in Q1 when the  almost  99  per  cent  of  tariff  lines  over  the
                                             pandemic first hit. Since then, the BCI has  next decade while also opening up new sectors
                                             maintained  positive  growth  as  Vietnam’s  and industries to European investment and
                                             successful  handling  of  the  pandemic  and  innovation. In short, once import duties have
                                             implementation  of  the  EU-Vietnam  Free  been eliminated, European goods will become
                                             Trade Agreement (EUVFTA) combined to  more competitive in the Vietnamese market,
                                             improve  confidence  and  boost  business.  which will also be liberalized for investment
                                             Vietnam has both short-term and long-term  in  areas  ranging  from  higher education  to
                                             factors that act as magnets for international  telecommunications  and  financial  services.
                                             investment. In the short-term, its effective  This should unlock a new wave of EU FDI.
                                             control of the pandemic has enabled busi-  And once the EU-Vietnam Investment Pro-
                                             nesses  to  operate  more  like  normal  than  tection Agreement (EUVIPA) enters into force
           Mr. Nicolas Audier,               elsewhere in the world. This has reaffirmed  - after being ratified in each EU member state
           Chairman, European Chamber of Commerce   that  Vietnam  has  a  safe,  secure,  and  pre-  -  it  will  give  EU  enterprises  even  greater
           in Vietnam (EuroCham)
                                             dictable business climate and, in turn, has  incentive to invest in Vietnam. %

             Recently,  the  business  and  investment  were primarily related to Covid-19. The unpre-  suggestions, and comments to the government
             environment in Vietnam, like most other  dictability of the business landscape and mar-  through  the  Vietnam  Business  Forum  and
         countries around the world, has been heavily  ket demand associated with reduced incomes  its committees.  %
         affected  and  disrupted  by  the  effects  of  the  all contributed to an environment that was
         Covid-19  pandemic.  Despite  the  difficulties,  difficult to manage end even more difficult
         most foreign enterprises continue to operate  to anticipate. The ability to develop strategic,
         and survive due mostly to good long-term plan-  business, financial, and marketing plans were
         ning strategies and risk management approaches  heavily affected by the pandemic. The Viet-
         to manufacturing, warehousing, and logistics,  namese  Government  must  continue  to
         with less reliance on long supply chains. Aus-  improve  laws,  regulations,  and  procedures
         tralian enterprises look to Vietnam as a safe,  for  foreign  investment  in  the  country.  All
         secure,  and  stable  investment  destination,  investment  procedures  must  be  business
         especially  when  compared  to  other  neigh-  friendly, efficient, and transparent. Application
         boring  Southeast  Asian  countries.  Foreign  procedures in each city and province for busi-
         exchange rates have remained relatively stable,  ness licenses, investment licenses, and land
         foreign banks and the international banking  use rights certificates must be logical, uniform,
         system are well supported by the government,  and easy to understand. And most importantly,
         and there are many investment-friendly poli-  the  government  must  continue  to  address  Mr. David Whitehead,
                                                                                   Vice President, Australian Chamber
         cies and incentives for investment, particularly  issues of transparency, corruption, and bribery.  of Commerce in Vietnam (AusCham)
         in provinces. Of course, the barriers in 2020  AusCham  continues  to  provide  proposals,

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