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                                  Boosting appeal

                               The government needs to identify how to remove the bottlenecks
                                   discouraging foreign investment in the agriculture sector.
                                                   T HONG NHUNG REPORTS

                                                                                                          PHOTO: VIET TUAN

                 s Vietnam tries to drum up interest  based,  transparent,  and  in  harmony  with  momentum. Foreign investors enjoy partial
                from foreign investors in its agricul-  international standards, according to Dr. Tan  or full exemptions on corporate income tax,
          A ture sector, the government has set  Siang  Hee,  Executive  Director  of  industry  import tariffs, and land rentals. Regulatory
          targets for added-value growth to reach 2.5-  association CropLife Asia.   restrictions on FDI have been removed faster
          3 per cent per year on average and for annual  Vietnam has major potential for agricul-  than in many other Asian countries.
          labor productivity growth to come in at 7-8  tural development, with inexpensive labor,  But shortfalls remain. “Vietnam’s abundant
          per  cent  on  average  under  Decision  No.  large purchasing power, and political stability  workforce  is  an  advantage,  but  vocational
          255/QD-TTg  of  the  Prime  Minister.  It  has  coupled with its status as one of the leading  training programs and projects are not really
          also  approved  a  plan  on  restructuring  the  exporters  of  rice,  coffee,  rubber,  pepper,  appropriate or effective, so workplace quality
          sector in the 2021-2025 period, focusing on  cashew nuts, and wooden products. “Under  is still low,” said Dr. Oliver Massmann, General
          developing sustainable agriculture as well as  Vietnam’s model for investment promotion,  Director of Duane Morris Vietnam. “Untrained
          enhancing quality, added value, and the com-  provinces compete with each other for foreign  agriculture, forestry, and fisheries workers
          petitiveness of local agricultural products.  investment and have significant freedom in  totaled around 12 million in 2020, accounting
                                              offering incentives and support,” he explained.  for 89.97 per cent of workers in the sector.”
          Pros & cons                         “The combination of freedom and competition  The sector’s development and production
            Like other countries, Vietnam possesses  has  been  a  key  ingredient  in  Vietnam’s  remain scattered and modest. Most produc-
          not only a lot of strong points but also many  dynamism and success with FDI.”  tion units are of small scale with low invest-
          drawbacks in attracting FDI to its agriculture  The  government  has  recently  issued  a  ment  capital,  so  production  and  business
          sector. One essential component underpin-  raft of policies to attract businesses to agri-  efficiency are not high. “Environmental pol-
          ning the effort to attract more foreign capital  culture, and fiscal incentives and reforms to  lution is still a major issue,” he said. “Agri-
          is  a  regulatory  framework  that  is  science-  the regulatory framework have created further  cultural production has revealed more clearly

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