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         US oil and grain company, has recently invested  The call for radical transparency is increasing,  agents, and even feed businesses have all been
         handsome sums in supporting Vietnamese  it  notes,  and  more  than  ever  its  customers  affected by rising raw material prices.
         farmers and ensuring a stable supply of quality  and consumers want to understand the story  Moreover, Covid-19 is a clear and present
         feed. It opened its fifth feed plant in Vietnam  behind  the  products  they  buy.  By  investing  danger for businesses. Among major FDI busi-
         in 2019 and employs over 1,200 workers, and  and partnering in solutions to enhance trans-  nesses  Vietnam’s  agriculture  sector,  VET
         has invested in a brand-new feed factory on  parency in the food system, Cargill can deliver  approached Wilmar Agro Vietnam, a subsidiary
         an area of 4.6 ha at the Hoa Mac Industrial  a meaningful and sustainable impact on the  of Wilmar International and specializing in
         Park in northern Ha Nam province with total  ground and increase consumer confidence.   the production of de-fatted rice bran and rice
         investment of over $20 million and a designed  ADM, meanwhile, puts high priority on  bran oil, but it declined to share any information
         capacity of 300,000 tons per year. It recently  investing in hi-tech sustainable development.  due to the havoc caused by the pandemic.
         expanded its range of Wisium premix offerings  And  ADM  Animal  Nutrition  Vietnam’s  Mr.  Fering  said  that  while  Cargill  has
         in  the  country  with  the  acquisition  of  the  approach  drives  innovation,  value  creation,  expanded its portfolio in Vietnam by adding
         Golden Farm Production & Commerce Com-  and differentiation to provide individualized  a protein business in 2018 and conducts ongo-
         pany Limited. “ADM has a beautiful portfolio  animal nutrition solutions to enhance animal  ing investments in swine genetics and animal
         in Vietnam’s animal nutrition industry, includ-  welfare. Over recent years, facing severely pol-  nutrition specialties, it welcomes any invest-
         ing in livestock, aquaculture, premix, and pet  luted water and disease outbreaks, most Asian  ment and improvements from the country’s
         food,”  Mr.  Serge  Corneillie,  CEO  of  ADM  governments have issued stricter regulations  new Cabinet in the agricultural supply chain.
         Animal  Nutrition  Vietnam  and  Cambodia,  that aim to protect the natural environment.  “Incentives and further investments in infra-
         told  VET.  “And  we  intend  to  invest  much  “At our ADM Aqua R&D Centre in Vietnam,  structure along the supply chain will ensure
         more in Vietnamese agriculture as we believe  we have successfully developed Biosipec, which  the long-term success and growth of Vietnam’s
         strongly in the future of the local market.”  is a shrimp farming-nursing model promoting  agribusiness sector,” he said.
           There  are  many  other  foreign  agricultural  limited water exchange,” said Mr. Corneillie.  It can’t be denied that Vietnam’s business
         enterprises in Vietnam, including De Heus, which  “We have started applying our two nursery  environment has created conditions favorable
         has nine feed mills in key provinces around the  models and recorded positive results.”   for the development of foreign investment
         country  more  than  12  years  after  entering  its  Its  biomass  boiler  technique  has  been  in agriculture. “I recognize that Vietnam has
         animal feed, livestock, and food market.   applied at all five facilities in Vietnam, while  been active over recent years and its business
                                             priority  has  been  given  to  low-emissions  environment has been greatly improved, with
         Importance of sustainability        materials, such as rice husks, to mitigate fossil  greater transparency and trade barriers elim-
           Regardless of achievements to date, sus-  fuel consumption. Furthermore, biomass can  inated  to  effectively  mobilize  internal  and
         tainable development is the goal for FDI busi-  be sourced locally, contributing to sustainable  external  resources,”  Mr.  Corneillie  said.  “I
         nesses in Vietnam’s agricultural sector so that  supply. “By managing resources responsibly,  appreciate the efforts of the Vietnamese Gov-
         achievements are long-lasting and continuing.  we work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,”  ernment in attracting foreign capital.”
         GreenFeed demonstrated its strong biosecurity  Mr. Corneillie added. “We also focus on hi-  The  GreenFeed  representative  pointed
         capabilities  throughout  the  African  Swine  tech investment such as automated technology,  out that demand in Vietnam is growing and
         Fever (ASF) pandemic, with none of its pig  mobile labs, and digital transformation 4.0.”  there  is  a  severe  pork  shortage  and  price
         farms being affected. According to a company                            volatility  due  to  ASF,  limited  pig  farming
         representative, over half of Vietnam’s pork is  Business environment key  capacity,  safe  and  traceable  pork  still  not
         currently supplied by small-scale farms with  There are clearly many challenges for FDI  being common, and the country still devel-
         low biosecurity standards. “As a closed feed-  businesses to address in Vietnam. The Green-  oping and strengthening regulations and gov-
         farm-food chain, GreenFeed has a scale where  Feed representative said that ASF has been a  ernment  support  for  the  segment.  Despite
         it can provide solutions in every step of ani-  major issue for the industry over the last few  such issues, the company has identified many
         mal-based  food  production,  and  with  this  years, and Mr. Corneillie agrees that Vietnam’s  opportunities that can be leveraged for growth.
         recent investment will scale up the capacity of  swine business has suffered a couple of bad  Cargill has a 25-year history in Vietnam
         its pig farming to produce traceable and safe  years from the disease, though the situation  and appreciates the country’s long-term com-
         pork  that  meets  the  rising  demand  in  the  is showing signs of improving.  mitment to foreign investment, while believing
         country,”  the  representative  told  VET.  “We  ADM Animal Nutrition Vietnam entered  that the continued liberalization of its legal
         will continue to improve our biosecurity and  the market during a difficult time for all indus-  system will further align commercial statues
         sustainable  production  practices  to  ensure  tries. Market prices still fluctuating is therefore  with international norms and help in attracting
         stable supply for the country’s livestock sector.  a significant problem. Farmers, wholesalers,  more  foreign  investment.  Mr.  Fering  said
         We will also continue investing heavily in tech-                       that over many years, the Vietnamese Gov-
         nology to help with sustainable production.”                           ernment has made significant reforms in reg-
           At Cargill, sustainability is written into the  By managing resources  ulations and laws to encourage foreign invest-
         company’s purpose and woven into its core  responsibly, we work        ment,  and  continued  reform  is  welcome.
         operations,  including  investment  priorities,  to reduce greenhouse gas  “Vietnam’s commitment to free trade agree-
         organizational structure, and resource alloca-  emissions. We also focus   ments over many years is to be commended
         tion. The company recently outlined its progress                       and  an  ongoing  focus  on  global  free  trade
         in sustainability goals in critical supply chains,  on hi-tech investment such   demonstrates its rapid integration into the
         including aqua nutrition, cocoa and chocolate,  as automated technology,  global economy,” he added. “Like the Viet-
         palm, soy, beef, and maritime transportation.  mobile labs, and digital  namese Government, Cargill wants this focus
         With a focus on making progress in land use,  transformation 4.0.”     to continue. We have always had a good work-
         climate change, water, farmer prosperity, and                          ing  relationship  with  the  government,  not
         human rights, the company is also working  MR. SERGE CORNEILLIE,       just in business but also in corporate respon-
         across every supply chain to drive sustainable  CEO, ADM Animal Nutrition Vietnam   sibilities, and we expect this to continue with
         production,  transportation,  and  operations.  and Cambodia           the appointment of the new Cabinet.” %

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